The Communication Book by Mikael Krogerus
How to carry through every idea Meetings are known to reveal a person’s character. Generally speaking, there are four personalit ...
How to make a good speech In his definitive work Rhetoric, Aristotle wrote that a good speaker has to have three things under co ...
Antithesis: a contrasting thought to produce tension, e.g. ‘He was beautiful, strong and ... unhappy.’ In practice, the same a ...
How to make the most boring lecture exciting Why do all fairy tales begin with the phrase ‘Once upon a time ...’? The answer is ...
The next time you have to say something in front of other people, start your talk with this sentence: ‘Let me tell you a short s ...
How to reach an agreement Negotiation is the fine art of finding a solution to an apparently impossible situation. One of the be ...
J. Paul Getty ...
How to criticize Feedback is one of the most sensitive processes in communication. It is easy to hurt people with criticism, but ...
Careful: of course, we sometimes have to deliver crystal-clear or even harsh feedback. But the point is, people learn better if ...
What happens when everyone has the same opinion For a long time it was common knowledge that group decision making was better th ...
Janis suggested several steps for preventing groupthink. Here are two great recommendations if you are the leader of a team: ‘G ...
When the force is with you Most theories in this book argue that good communication has to do with cooperation. But in reality i ...
Give up If you can’t convince somebody, reassess your own situation: what will it cost me if I give up now? A smiling confession ...
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