Medieval France. An Encyclopedia
CASTELLAN/CHÂTELAIN . Commander of a castle. Originally the deputy of a superior, the castellan became largely independent durin ...
At its simplest, this new fortress consisted of an earthen mound, or “motte,” surrounded by a ditch and a wooden rampart, the “b ...
CATALONIA . Catalonia, a region whose name derives from the proliferation of castles during the 11th century, is situated in the ...
John C.Shidelar [See also: LANGUEDOC; SPANISH MARCH] Bisson, Thomas N. The Medieval Crown of Aragon: A Short History. New York: ...
by a Donatist-like controversy over the moral purity of certain Cathari, including the man who had administered the consolamentu ...
But in the late 13th century, several revivals took place in the Pyrénées, and in the early 14th century the village of Montaill ...
[See also: JEANNE D’ARC; LISIEUX] Neveux, François. L’évêgue Pierre Cauchon. Paris: Denoel, 1987. Sarrazin. Pierre Cauchon juge ...
in my kingdom.” The western façade features a rose window above three exquisitely carved Flamboyant porches, which recall those ...
Bachrach, Bernard S. “Animals and Warfare in Early Medieval Europe.” Settimane di studio del Centro Italiano di Studi Sull’Alto ...
woman, La Guignarde, who insists that Fausseté brings more joy to love the Loyauté. Puzzled by the conflicting advice, he decide ...
no doubt that this collection is one of the most important monuments of Middle French prose. Peter F.Dembowski [See also: FABLIA ...
CERVERÍ DE GIRONA (fl. ca. 1259–82). Listed alternatively by medieval scribes as Guillem de Cervera, the Catalan troubadour Cerv ...
CESARIS, JOHANNES (fl. early 15th c.). Composer documented at the Sainte-Chapelle, Bourges (1407–08), and perhaps at Angers cath ...
arrangement could be found at the destroyed abbey of Quincy (Yonne), also a daughter of Pontigny. Caroline A.Bruzelius [See also ...
carved oak choirstalls given by Abbot André de Chanac (r. 1378–1420). The 15th- century wall painting of the Dance of Death (6 f ...
1671, an early 13th-century chevet, and a 14th-century façade. It was scrupulously restored in the 19th century, while Saint-Alp ...
for its use. The chamberlains played a role when the king received homage, for this customarily took place in the bedchamber. Ro ...
story elevation, and undulant piers of Saint-Étienne, Beauvais, for the churches of Saint- Pantaléon, Saint-Jean-au-Marché, and ...
were virtually synonymous with the royal council. Thereafter, however, the Chamber suffered political eclipse. Consisting of ele ...
As an open region east of Paris bounded by the rivers Aisne, Marne, and Yonne, Champagne lacked a natural center. In the late Ro ...
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