Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin
Ganjeh] is an example of the moral supremacy of the Russians over the Persians and of that spirit of confidence in victory which ...
that Tsitsianov had avoided backing down, which would have encour- aged "Asiatic arrogance."^36 The degraded position of Islam i ...
Finally, the Armenians of Qarabagh had a tradition of urging Russia to overthrow Ebrahim Khalil, and the Armenians of Ganjeh wer ...
Baku, Shirvan, and Derbent-Qobbeh all offered to submit to Russia in return for Russian support for their territorial ambitions ...
lightly. When he became suspicious of Ebrahim KhaliPs activities, he sought information about the khan's loyalty from the khan's ...
Having become disenchanted with the Russians, Salim expelled the garrison from Shakkiin the summer of 1806. In October of that y ...
food shortages—but, more important, they failed to learn that khans and their subjects might have a different notion of their be ...
VI The Origins of the First Russo-Iranian War The war between Russia and Iran was not caused by Iran's sending 20,000 men to att ...
The real causes of the First Russo-Iranian War lay in what the re- cently established Qajar dynasty perceived as a Russian milit ...
might of Safavi kingship remained a potent image. This was proven dramatically by the fate of Shah Tahmasb II. By the 1730s, Tah ...
The Qajar dynasty survived a critical test when the supreme au- thority passed from Aqa Mohammad to his chosen heir, Fath 'Ali. ...
him, this was intended not for the conquest of foreign territory but for the establishment of law and order within a part of the ...
about the 1796 campaign, one chronicler compared it to the dismem- berment of Iran in the 1720s. 15 Given this frame of referenc ...
general's hands by encouraging his eagerness for war with Iran. Tsit- sianov's reply was a virtual declaration of war. He charac ...
not negotiate a settlement with the shah in 1805. Authorities in the capital were willing to consider negotiation, provided the ...
VII The War, 1804 -1813 The first war between Russia and Iran lasted for nine years, from the unsuccessful Russian campaign agai ...
cations with the troops in the Caucasus and threaten the coastal provinces under the shah's control. Modest though this fleet wa ...
that war.) Although the Ottoman Empire claimed suzerainty over the western Caucasus and consequently opposed Russia's claim to t ...
The Russians also had other enemies to fight in the Caucasus. Raids by Lesghis from the high mountains on Georgia's northeastern ...
one. Ironically, for all of Russia's insistence that the Aras and Kura rivers constituted the only secure border with Iran, for ...
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