Mass Media and Historical Change. Germany in International Perspective, 1400 to the Present
194 | Bibliography Straßner, Erich. 2002. Text-Bild-Kommunikation. Tübingen. Studt, Christoph (ed.). 2007. ‘Diener des Staates’ ...
Bibliography | 195 Welch, David. 2000. Germany, Propaganda and Total War, 1914–1918: The Sins of Omission’. New Brunswick, NJ. — ...
196 | Bibliography Winkler, Karl T. 1998. Wörterkrieg. Politische Debattenkultur in England 1689–1750. Stuttgart. Winker, Klaus. ...
Index 1968, 154–155 Acres, Birt, 104, 106 Adams, Samuel, 63 Adenauer, Konrad, 149, 151, 165 advertisement, 10, 22, 32, 40, 45, 4 ...
198 | Index Caxton, William, 22 Ceauşescu, Nicolae, 139 censorship 109, 111–112, 118–119, 123, 133–134, 150–151 see under film n ...
Index | 199 economic crisis, 94, 116, 118, 119– 121, 125 Edison, Thomas, 104 Edward VII., King, 86 Eisenstein, Elisabeth L., 19, ...
200 | Index Gutenberg, Johannes, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 35, 37, 39, 40, 70 Habermas, Jürgen, 8, 52, 58, 59, 61 ...
Index | 201 Latin America, 12, 50, 69, 96–97, 114, 157, 161, 164 Lazarsfeld, Paul F., 4 leaflets, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25–28, 39–40, 44 ...
202 | Index international transfer, 41–43, 62–69, 97–101, 113, 127, 131, 138, 145, 165 mass media, 77–84, 92, 95, 98, 101, 105, ...
Index | 203 printing (early), 1–2, 4–7, 9–11, 13–38, 168 printing locations, 2, 15, 22–23, 29, 33, 37, 40–41, 44, 70, 142 signif ...
204 | Index Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 69 Schubart, Friedrich Daniel, 50 Shaw, Flora, 86 Siebenpfeiffer, Philipp, 71 Skladanowsk ...
Index | 205 violence (presentation of ), 22, 54, 66, 71, 73, 79, 82–83, 85, 98, 108, 111, 130, 131–132, 135, 144–145, 147, 159 w ...
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