SKILL UP! 15 FALSE FRIENDS OTHER FALSE FRIENDS You mean... You should say... Don’t say... As this means... überall , Die Kampagn ...
16 SKILL UP! COLLOCATIONS Choose a target How many word partnerships do you know that sound natural with “target”, which can be ...
SKILL UP! 17 COLLOCATIONS adjective + “target” “target” (verb) + noun easy key moving potential prime an audience a group a regi ...
18 SKILL UP! ESSENTIAL IDIOMS Fotos: cosmin4000, agrobacter/ First, the idiomatic way Dan: I like the plan. Can you te ...
SKILL UP! 19 ESSENTIAL IDIOMS Skill Up! Audio You can do an exercise on Business Spotlight Audio. First, the idiomatic way Mia: ...
SKILL UP! 21 GRAMMAR CHECK QUANTIFIERS Because these nouns are sin- gular, we use “much” and not “many” with them — at least in ...
20 SKILL UP! GRAMMAR CHECK Key rules Here are a few general rules: Singular uncountable nouns take a singular verb. There are n ...
22 SKILL UP! TEST Illustration: Bernhard Förth Test yourself! See how well you know the words and phrases presented in this book ...
SKILL UP! TEST 23 What would you say in the following situations? A. You want to find out how to get people to your website. U ... Mit Sprach- und Businesskompetenzen Ziele erreichen: Gruppen- und Einzelkurse Business English Workshops ...
DO YOUR HOMEWORK Negotiating in your own language is hard enough. When you have to do it in a foreign language, it’s naturally e ...
OPINIONS Listen for key words, such as sure, certain and convinced. If your nego tiating partner uses these words when voicing ...
Illustrationen: Frank Ramspott, pseudodaemon, Robert Wicher/ COMMON GROUND ● Look, we both know that no one wants to s ...
SUMMING UP Use summaries to... ● check understanding ● clarify what has been agreed ● confirm agreement ● confirm what actions n ...
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW CONDITIONALS: “IF” OR “WHEN”? We use conditional sentences for bargaining and making suggestions. Use if to ...
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