Fundamentals Of English Grammar
EXERCISE 10. Questions wlth WHO, WHO(M), and WHAT. (Chart 5-4) Directions: Work in pairs. Speaker A. Complete each question with ...
Who are those men? , .:'. ' :. 10. Why did you say that? i,'.. ~. I-;. -~ ' .,. Where are you going? 'i, i;, 2,. :,$ 1 1. Who d ...
QUESTION 1 ANSWER (a) Whar doe8 Bob do every morning? @) What did you do yesterday? (c) What is Anna doing (right now)? (d) Whar ...
I, :. '5 : - ;... whg& stopped~o,~~o,r sueeding? ::?I. , - , ' ,. :,.p " ..,3J B: He (the police officer) gave me a ticket. ...
QUBSTION ANSWER I Boots. Sandals. Tennis shoes. (a) What kind qfsh did you buy? Loafers. Running shoes. , High heels. Etc. What ...
A: What kind of do you have? B:. (Other possibb answers: 1 A: What kind of do you like best? B :. (Other possible answers: ) A: ...
0 EXERCISE 18. WHICH vs. WHAT. (Chart 5-8) Directions: Complete the questions with which or what. A: This hat comes in brown an ...
A: Do you like this tie? B: Yes. A: Do you like that tie? B: It's okay. A: B: This one. (I'm going to buy this one.) A: Tony an ...
EXERCISE 20. Using WHOSE. (Chart 5-9) Directions: Create questions with whose or who. The things near Susan belong to her. The t ...
. 9. A: sitting down? ! ,.> B: Eric. (Eric is sitting down.) A: longer? B: Eric's. (Eric's hair is longer than Susan's.) EX ...
0 EXERCISE 23. Asking questions. (Charts 5-1 -. 5-9) Directions: Work in pairs. Speaker A: Choose any one of the possible answer ...
EXERCISE 24. Using HOW. (Chart 5-10) Directions: Create questions with how. A: HOW old is yew dawh+ev? B: Ten. (My daughter is ...
EXERCISE 25. Uslng HOW OFTEN. (Chart 5-1 1) Direchns: Work in pairs. Speaker A. Ask a question with how often or how many times ...
EXERCISE 26. Uslng HOW FAR. (Chart 5-12) Directions Create questions. A: How Gav is it to f K team how New orleaw? B: 919 miles ...
EXERCISE 28. Length of time. (Chart 5-13) Direcrdons: Create sentences using it + take to express length of time. I drove to Ma ...
EXERCISE 31. Length of time. (Chart 5-13) Directions: Work in groups of three. Only Speaker A's book is open. Speaker A: Complet ...
EXERCISE 32. More questions with HOW. (Chart 5-14) Direcdas: Close your books. Divide into two teams. Ask a student on the other ...
EXERCISE 35. Review of HOW. (Charts 5-10 + 5-14) Diremom Complete the questions. A: How &kc\ do you get a haircut? B: About ...
EXERCISE 36. Review of HOW. (Charts 5-10 + 5-14) Directions: Create questions for the given answers. Use how in each question. E ...
A: yesterday? 3 B: No, I didn't. I didn't know there was a game yesterday.? 4 A: Yes, I did, and I really enjoyed it. B : to the ...
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