Out of the Abyss
TRAVERSING THE DARKLAKE The ad\'enturers need to find a way to cross the Darklake on the way to their ultimate destination- out ...
DARKLAKE TERRAIN ENCOUNTERS -pecial terrain rules are explained after the table. DARKLAKE TERRAIN ENCOUNTERS dlO Terrain Collisi ...
ISLAND A small island rises from tht> water ahead. An island with no hostile creatures makes a good place for lhe party to ta ...
0UERGAR KEELBOAT CARGO d20 Cargo 1-10 None ll-13 1d20 x 100 pounds of unrefined iron ore 14-16 1d4 zurkhwood crates filled with ...
Sloobludop simmers with religious fervor and sectarian tension. While many of the kuo-toa still worship the goddess Blibdoolpool ...
as anything other than "dangerous illusions;ยท combined with his preference for nonviolent solutions. THE DAY's C AT CH When the ...
A Kuo-TOAN KoAN The kuo-toa are aquatic creatures. As such, they have no real need for the boats they use to ply the Darklake, e ...
Four kuo-toa monitors guard the statue at all roes, and there are always 2d4 kuo-toa worshipers around it offering prayers. Curr ...
Six kuo-toa work at the altar, cleaning up and arranging offerings. KJibdoloogut, a kuo-toa whip dedicated to the Deep Father, s ...
Another sound rises above the burbling cries of the kuo- toa. The dark surface of the water farther out bubbles and begtns to fo ...
CHAPTER 4: GRACKLSTUGH Visitor s to the duergar city of Gracklstugh are greeted by its hot and acrid air, followed by the angry ...
buy more useful equipment. Additionally. the duergar trade actively with other subterranean and surface- dwelling races. Grackls ...
wearing inside his collar. Though adornment for adornment's sake is something duergar society frowns upon, the guards' violent r ...
ORe MeRCENARIES These ld4 + 1 orcs have come to Gracklstugh as caravan guards. and see the characters as a c hance to bully some ...
he'll use any trick to maintain his hold on power. This includes hiring assassins through third parties to lake care of potentia ...
Despite reports that the darkhafts and the Stone Guards have received about the growing crisis outside he city's walls, hubris a ...
through intrigue and deceit. Rathe r, they roll up their sleeves and work harder to inc rease their prestige through the fruits ...
\V.ELCOME T O THE CITY O F BLADES ering the city is the first major hurdle the characters .. ,.,t surmount in Gracklstugh. Unles ...
The first time the characters are a llowed inside the city or turned away from a gate, a secret door on the wall opens, revealin ...
0-'.RKLAKE DocK s .rriving at the Dar k lake Docks requires a combination '<.kill. ingenuity, and luck. Vigilance is a little ...
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