Out of the Abyss
guardian currently has a lightning bolt spell stored within it. A character can gain use of the shield guardian by winning a gam ...
2B. GN O L L HUNT ERS The rest of the gnoll hunters race through these caverns in search of the hook horrors. Unless they are dr ...
the newly seen demonic corruption will not be contained within the Underdark for long. Eventually it will break through to the s ...
Gu\88/IGOOL THE OOZING TEMPLE: GENERAL FEATURES As characters explore the Oozing Temple, keep in mind the following features. Li ...
THE ZHENTARIM !embers of the shadowy Black ~etwork consider themselves part of an extended family, and rely on the larger organi ...
GLABBAOOOL This area contains the skeletal remains of a drow, along with a dark metal mace and a scattering of coins. However, ...
ยท----------------------------------------------, : SHIELD GUARDIAN ' Large conslruct, unaligned Armor Class 17 (natural armor) H ...
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perce ption) check enables a character to notice that the stone is weakened. More than 50 pounds of wei ...
NAME: LORDS' ALLIANCE GUARD Medium humanoid (dwarf), chaotic good Armor Class 16 (chain sh~rt, sh1eld) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) S ...
that is the source of the water. Once the water level rises ro the ceiling, the fiow is slowed a nd the characters can swim upwa ...
CHAPTER 9: MANTOL-DERITH Mantol-Derith has endured for centuries as a neutral outpost where draw. duergar, svirfneblin, and surf ...
The northeast sarcophagus contains two gold bracelets worth 50 p;p each and a ceremonial wand (non magical} made of chiseled ivo ...
Anyone who touches the gem risks falling prey to delusional madness. A ducrgar ale merchant named Krimgol Muz.gardt found the ge ...
CHAPTER 3: THE DARKLAKE Though its name might evoke images of a single subterranean body of water, the Darklakc is a network oi ...
131 few of Mantol-Derith's denizens arc permanent residents. Even the chief negotiators of each e nclave return to their centers ...
TRAVERSING THE DARKLAKE The ad\'enturers need to find a way to cross the Darklake on the way to their ultimate destination- out ...
KEYED ENCOUNTERS The following encounters arc keyed to the map of Mantoi-Derith. L SECRET ENTRANCES Mantoi-Derith is hidden behi ...
DARKLAKE TERRAIN ENCOUNTERS -pecial terrain rules are explained after the table. DARKLAKE TERRAIN ENCOUNTERS dlO Terrain Collisi ...
spy from Ncsme who descended into the Underdark two years ago to find Mantoi-Derith and infiltrate the Zhcntarim enclave there. ...
ISLAND A small island rises from tht> water ahead. An island with no hostile creatures makes a good place for lhe party to ta ...
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