Car Buying Tips Guide 1
more). I’ve had my share of things need to be fixed on even vehicles asreliable as those from Lexus. Check sources like JD Power ...
any claims. Some benefits, such as rental car and trip-interruptionreimbursements, may still be paid by your service contract if ...
As a car gets older and has more miles on it, you’ll become limited tostated component coverage. Even at very high vehicle milea ...
Labor rates—especially at franchised dealers—go up 5 to 10 percent peryear, and parts costs increase by a similar amount. I used ...
The service departments of the car’s manufacturer and independent shopscertified by a sanctioning body like ASE (Automotive Serv ...
you’ll pay to fix it before you’ll worry about making the payment, so they’relowering their own risk. And if the car is well mai ...
GM to BMW and Mercedes. Branding a product gives it more credibility inthe eyes of the average consumer. This isn’t a knock on t ...
Being a sucker for a nice driving car, (and maybe glutton for punishment!) acouple years later I bought another Q45, this one a ...
A multitude of my clients have let me know how much they appreciatedtheir service contracts; one, whose company has bought over ...
online, as they’ve found lots of people try to slide in preexisting problemsand get VPP to pay. But as their service contract ha ...
CHAPTER 13 - THANK YOU want to conclude by thanking you for purchasing the Guide. I’m confident that if you followed it, you hav ...
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