Car Buying Tips Guide 1
CHAPTER 9 - BUYING A NEW CAR ver the next few chapters I’ll discuss the particulars on newcars, used cars, and leasing versus pu ...
Amongst the concessions the Detroit Three were able to extract from theunions were ones that let the number of cars and trucks a ...
Margins on new cars are not even close to uniform. They vary from a low ofa few hundred dollars on some Volkswagens and Scions t ...
FLEET & INTERNET DEPARTMENTS There are other bonuses and incentives we’ll discuss, but for now, let’sassume that a great dea ...
As their volumes are so high, they may brush you off if you make themwork too hard on a single deal. And assume the price a flee ...
department.TIP: Your second best option is the usually the Internet^ Internet departments work in a somewhat similar fashion to ...
At the least you’ll have everything in writing and can analyze it at yourpace, not theirs. This gives you more control, and the ...
manufacturers to the dealer, intended to help move the metal. They do have to be disclosed, and finding out what they are is cri ...
It can be very hard to find out what stair step programs are going on asthey change all the time, and go in and out of fashion w ...
If you follow all of these tips, you’ll get the best basic price possible, and allthe available rebates and incentives. Your bot ...
percent on these types of vehicles.TIP: As a rule of thumb, expect to save between 5 and 10^ ORDER UNITS Do you get a better dea ...
looking at a vehicle that isn’t a big hit at the moment.TIP: Ask if the dealer has any “old-price units” when you’re I’ve seen t ...
Retail customers usually aren’t treated the same as a high-volume broker,so it is critical you make sure you’re getting what you ...
Chapter 10 - BUYING A USED CAR sed sales drive the entire retail car business. In 2010, almost 37million used cars were sold, co ...
they don’t react well to rapid swings in the market, like those caused bymajor gas price fluctuations, or events like the earthq ...
actually buys or sells any type of vehicle—they just predict what carsTIP: It is critical to remember that no Blue Book company^ ...
$2000-2500 over their cost.TIP: A good rule of thumb is that a dealer’s ad price is^ Since you now know what they normally make, ...
mean they’re getting it. Tip: Just because someone is asking a certain price, it doesn’t^ Look at “comps” of comparable vehicles ...
they sold at all. Though you may need to wait a few days for results, it willamaze you to see the difference between what is bei ...
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