Car Buying Tips Guide 1
1.Purchase price 2.Trade-in ACV and payoff (if there is a trade) 3.Interest rate and the term of the loan (or lease) Because the ...
Interest rates are based on your credit scores. Knowing what yours are willhelp to minimize (or even eliminate) any mark up the ...
months (new). This gives a very high payment. Back in the day, mostclients would just accept it and continue negotiating. People ...
When you request this, dealer is then supposed to stop using the FourSquare and lay out the deal parameters in a clearer and mor ...
referral business, but also make higher gross profits—twice as high asdealers with the lowest scores. This focus on CSI is espec ...
A menu based deal structure looks like this: As you can see, this is basically just a slicker version of the Four Square. Itlays ...
discuss in the Leasing chapter, a lease’s interest rate isn’t disclosed, sodealers can make more mark-up. So just what isn’t dis ...
Book values on your trade-in, and are preapproved on a loan, you’ll be in avery strong position to whittle away at any remaining ...
should shave off more money. If they can point out that a similar car (year,miles, equipment, condition, etc.) is priced better ...
you on the bubble. The logic behind the bubble is to have you rememberinga great (imaginary) deal in the back of your mind as yo ...
CHAPTER 6 - THE FINANCE OFFICE HAT HAPPENS IN “THE BOX”? Despite all the progressmade by consumers using tools such as the Inter ...
hundreds) of thousands of dollars optimizing their sales systems throughsurveys, psychological profiling, and training. Your wea ...
Remember this! The finance manager will say something soothing like “Ijust want you to know that you’re almost done; none of the ...
They will be presented in a Menu-Based format like this one below. Thewhole thing is designed to avoid any flat “no” from you; i ...
I’m a big fan of certain extended service contracts, as I explain in thatupcoming chapter, but I would never try to buy one on t ...
Service contracts (extended warranties): the appropriate chapter, but the bottom line is that they are high profit, andI cover t ...
Ding & dent repair: feel you can get them fixed cheaper yourself, but if you live in a city likeThese policies cover door di ...
Key replacement: replace; at dealer cost, I pay an average of $300 for both. If you tend toModern keys and remotes are very expe ...
ask the customer “either/or” questions, where all the answers lead towardsa close, as in: “Which would suite you better, the 75, ...
on is based mainly on the profit it will make him or her—not on itsTIP: Which products the manager will try hardest to close you ...
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