Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology
Oxytocin (OT) hormone that stimulates contraction of smooth muscles in the wall of the uterus; also causes milk secretion ...
506 P^ Paget’s disease common disease of bone with symptoms that^ include irregular thickening and softening of the bones^ Palat ...
GLOSSARY Pelvic girdle formed by the two hipbones Pelvic inflammatory disease bacterial infection of the uterus,^ uterine tubes, ...
GLOSSARY Phimosis condition where the foreskin of the penis fits too tightly over the head of the penis and cannot be retracted^ ...
507 Polyuria increase in urine production Pons varolii bridge that connects the spinal cord with the brain and parts of the brai ...
508 Proton part of the central nucleus that makes up an atom; has a positive charge^ Protoplasm the liquid part of a cell Protra ...
GLOSSARY Rete testis network of ducts in the testis Reticular type of loose connective tissue that forms the frame- work of the ...
pleated sheet ...
510 Selectively permeable membrane allows only certain materi-als to pass through, like water through a plasma membrane^ Semen m ...
GLOSSARY Stratum germinativum regenerative layer of epidermis, low-ermost layer^ Stratum granulosum a layer of epidermis made of ...
512 Temporalis muscle that raises the mandible and closes the mouth Tendinitis inflammation of a tendon Tendon dense connective ...
GLOSSARY Thyroxine a hormone of the thyroid gland that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; also known ...
GLOSSARY Triquetral a bone of the wrist Trochanter very large projection on a bone Trochlea process shaped like a pulley on a bo ...
513 Urinary system consists of two kidneys, two ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra^ Urine the eliminated materials from the f ...
514 Vi scera the organs of a cavity Visceral refers to the covering of an organ Visceral peritoneum another name for the tunica ...
Index Note: The letter “f” denotes a figure. A^ A bands, 200, 202f abdominal aorta, 328f, 329, 334, 334f, 335^ abdominal wall, 2 ...
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