Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Bayleaf is an excellent swordsman and an above-aver- age tactician in small skirmishes. Ozymandias placed h im in charge of defe ...
Preparing for the Drowned Ones The hermitage offers an abundance of tactical oppor- tunities to defend against the coming attack ...
101 ~ residents can be persuaded to leave peacefully, however, especially if the characters create a ruse to make it appear that ...
I 18 REST AND RESOURCES Having explored the hermitage and taken on its varied threats, the characters have had a busy day. Thank ...
J _ ---t'JJ-----i-- ~~- 7 ~'~ 9 -A---1- 1 . --.. -: ' •^3 Up o a1 2 ~Crossbows AA./'V' 'aU~ Hidden Door @ Statues 1 square=^10 f ...
1 square = 5 feet THE REMAINS OF TAMMERAUT Map 7.5 shows the seafloor in the vicinity of the sunken hull, including the spot whe ...
I Ob ~ BARRACKS • Three crude pallets lie on the floor, and a large iron kettle stands in the center of the chamber. In the no ...
1fio ANCIENT WARNING If the characters search the sand around the ship, they discover the tip of a stone slab sticking up above ...
Odium (cult fanatic) now lives in this storage area and is plotting his escape. He emerges hoping that the visi- tors will provi ...
villages become more common-with the drowned ones adding all their victims to their growing horde-and unless they are som ehow c ...
108 Perception score of 16 or higher notices t he wire. A character who is searching carefully and who makes a successful DC 14 ...
statue does not move until the undead have been turned or have joined battle against the intruders. The statue then attacks the ...
CHAPTER 8: ThE STYES SERIES OF MYSTERIOUS MURDERS SHAKES THE downtrodden folk of the Styes- a decaying port fallen on hard times ...
lb\ the asylum where he spent his last days. Not even the pleas of his sister and a local priest named Refrum were enough to sav ...
"' ... CHAPTER 6: THE FINAL ENEMY HIS ADVENTURE BUILDS ON THE EVENTS OF two previous adventures, The Sinister Se- cret of Saltma ...
PLACINC THE ADVENTURE This adventure presents the Styes as an old district in a port city or large port town. Making the Styes p ...
II:.! The lair is a three-level cave system inside a rocky is- land. Remarkably, the island seems to have sunk into the surroun ...
rhG Time can be cruel, however. Warfare, corruption, famine, and natural disaster ruined many who loved the Island of Pleasures, ...
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