The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration
Lymph Vessels Lymph vessels extend throughout your body and mimic your blood vessels, except they are larger. The lymph capillar ...
Neutrophils Plasma cells Macrophages (large amounts) Antigens Antibody molecules The main network, or grouping, of lymph nodes a ...
In the embryo stages, the spleen served as a red- and white-blood-cell creator. However, shortly after birth, the spleen produce ...
etc.) cause a lymphatic response of the mucosa, namely excessive mucus production. Furthermore, these substances can be harmful ...
protects your internal organs, glands, and tissues. It protects conditions outside of a cell. This type of immunity has been cal ...
they are familiar with them and know how to destroy them. Both of the above responses are designed to neutralize or eliminate de ...
eliminating antigens or pathogens. This system is also responsible for producing the immune response. There are basically two li ...
of antiviral properties (proteins). Kinins — attract WBCs. Complement — a group of proteins (complement proteins) known to attra ...
Cell walls are composed of proteins (chained amino acids), cholesterol (inflammation protection) and phospholipids. When a cell ...
Identify a cell for type and health (strong and weak). Stimulate the production of antibodies by B-lymphocytes to neutralize or ...
Antibodies are y-shaped glycoproteins produced by B-lymphocytes (B- cells) in response to the presence of antigens. Each antibod ...
Cell-Mediated Immunity Cell-mediated immunity refers to T-cell protection of your cells. T-cells protect the inside or intercell ...
Definition: Phagocytizes microorganisms and other substances % of WBCs: 60–80% Response: Inflammation response Site of maturatio ...
Secretes: Tissues Type of immunity: Cell-mediated Eosinophils Definition: Releases chemicals that reduce inflammation, attacks c ...
cells, weak cells, and other toxins within tissues % of WBCs: 3–8% Response: Phagocytosis Site of maturation: Various tissues of ...
Lymphatic tissues, including the spleen, thymus gland and lymph nodes, are responsible for the growth, maturation and activation ...
parasitic, chemical, etc. Even foods that are harmful when ingested set up an immune and lymphatic response. Your body as a whol ...
shaped in somewhat of an upside-down U-shape, extending around the perimeters of your abdomen. It is also made up of circular fo ...
hydrogen ions, creatinine, chemical toxins, medications, synthetic vitamins, and minerals, etc. These wastes (urine) travel down ...
subcutaneous tissues lay just below the dermis, which houses the bulk of the main arteries, veins, nerves and glands that feed t ...
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