The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration
wound would be healed in the next day or two. Remember that my goal was to stop eating the oranges and live exclusively on air! ...
experiences and viewpoints on true healing. Always seek truth. Open your heart totally to God. If you desire anything, desire Go ...
(lymphatic) and chemical accumulations. This is invaluable in helping you to address your glandular or organ weaknesses. For thi ...
suggestions about supporting and cleansing these organs with herbs and herbal formulas. If you have diabetes or you’re excessive ...
CHAPTER ONE Understanding Our Species I am constantly being asked what my secrets are for regenerating and making the physical b ...
CARNIVORES Includes: Cats, cheetahs, lions, etc. Diet: Mainly meats, some vegetables, grass and herbs Digestive system: Tongue—v ...
Kidneys—(urine) acid OMNIVORES Includes: Birds (including chickens, turkeys, etc.), hogs and dogs Diet: Some meat, vegetables, f ...
Tail—yes Urinary system: Kidneys—(urine) acid HERBIVORES Includes: Horses, cows, sheep, elephants, deer, giraffes Diet: Vegetabl ...
incisors (cutting teeth) in the front part of the jaws Jaws—multi-directional, up-and-down, side-to-side, forward and backward c ...
Teeth—thirty-two teeth: four incisors (cutting), two cuspids (pointed), four small molars (bicuspids), and six molars (no long c ...
of foods we generally eat or crave. Don’t make getting healthy complicated. Keep it simple. Foods can bind you to this world or ...
CHAPTER TWO How the Body Works A ny soul that has a physical body should understand the basics of the body’s operation. “Why do ...
The Four Basic Processes DIGESTION First, when we consume any food it must go through a “digestive” process, or a process whereb ...
ABSORPTION Once foods are broken down, we must now absorb these building materials, fuels and other components, which include: t ...
clumping together. Most of the foods commonly eaten by humans are acid forming. Acidity, which is heat-producing, causes inflamm ...
sneezing, coughing, sweating, aching, fevers, and diarrhea are experienced. These symptoms are elimination processes used by the ...
These cells comprise all the systems, including the skeletal system (bones), muscular system, and connective tissue. Most of thi ...
complexes into more usable or storable compounds or substances. ELIMINATIVE SYSTEMS STRUCTURES — Colon, lymphatic system, urinar ...
soluble compounds from the gastrointestinal tract, and serving as the “house” of the immune system. It creates white blood cells ...
GLANDULAR SYSTEM (ENDOCRINE) STRUCTURES — The pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid and parathyroid glands, thymus, adrenal gla ...
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