Understanding Third World Politics
First, some developing countries have had what has been called a bureau- cratic mode of production. The bureaucracy controls and ...
supplies the organizations necessary and the managerial, scientific and tech- nical knowledge required. It takes over that legac ...
Bank, and with the support of powerful bilateral donors such as the USA’s Agency for International Development, some Third World ...
providing roles. It is recommended that new public managers should be given greater discretion to use the resources at their dis ...
Partnerships with the private sector give corporate élites a privileged relationship to bureaucrats compared with those sections ...
8 Military Intervention in Politics Introduction Direct military intervention in the politics of Third World countries has been ...
The organization of the military and the circumstances in those countries were not such that it need be feared that the military ...
Explaining military intervention Much of the research that has been done on the military in Third World poli- tics has been from ...
For example, how well do ‘voter turnout’ or ‘degree of multi-partyism’ rep- resent ‘political development’ as an independent var ...
leadership forming a self-appointed junta with absolute power unconstrained by any civilian political institutions. Government i ...
and Thailand the military has long been the final arbiter in political conflict. When military regimes hand back power to civili ...
the government party Zanu-PF indicated it would welcome military inter- vention if it lost the 2002 general election. Finally, i ...
sufficiently developed for the task. Political resources become spread over a larger number of actors than in traditional societ ...
of social mobility and one has had more economic development, it will be more likely to experience a coup(Putnam, 1967). Jackman ...
classes of the pre-industrial era. Putnam tested this hypothesis with data from Latin America and found that economic developmen ...
dictatorship. If it is fragmented, the military may deny political power to newly emerging factions of the bourgeoisie. Repressi ...
perceived as having failed to modernize the economy via industrialization, they run the risk of being ousted by frustrated secti ...
troops invited in by the civilian government will deter interventions by the local military. The absence of these three conditio ...
Critics of Finer have pointed out that this sounds tautological. A low level of political culture is defined as a lack of consen ...
is being used. However, even if the decision to stage a coupis not taken by the most senior ranking officers, those who do lead ...
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