Understanding Third World Politics
to a democratic government that has failed to function effectively. Their rational structures, capable of relating means to ends ...
supremacy of the civil power. If the politicians appear to be weakening the nation and making it vulnerable to external forces, ...
However, this argument cannot be taken too far in general explanatory terms, since the logic of it would be that there would be ...
civilian and military institutions, which in Latin America ‘contributes to military perceptions that they are better organized, ...
the transition the military have been able to negotiate immunity from prose- cution for human rights violations (Fitch, 1998, p. ...
particularly important when it undermines democracy either by the coup d’étator by refusing to reinstate democratic politics in ...
9 Nationalism and Secession Introduction In most regions of the Third World there are political movements campaigning, in many c ...
an authoritarian regime. Separatism in Latin America is largely an aspect of nineteenth-century history (Anderson et al., 1974, ...
with the state, and resolves grievances, preventing rather than promoting secession (Ghai, 2000, p. 24). Alternatively the state ...
The people of East Timor suffered hugely at the hands of the Indonesian military and local militias allied to it when they attem ...
Nationalism Such nationalism, which may extract concessions in the form of political decentralization of various kinds, includin ...
According to A. D. Smith, tribes have only the first and second character- istics. ‘Ethnie’ have the first five. Nations have al ...
is a sufficient or necessary condition for the existence of demands for politi- cal autonomy. The primordialisttheory of nationa ...
that new states were frequently the arbitrary creations of colonialism. They consisted of a multiplicity of ethnic groups bound ...
and mass communication. In conjunction these developments produce cultural diffusion that may even extend beyond the boundaries ...
through which politics must be carried on, is to present an explanation of political crisis in terms that are not very meaningfu ...
highly specialized and thus more vulnerable to fluctuations in world markets than the economy of the core community. This core–p ...
The internal colonialism thesis would seem to fit some cases of seces- sion, such as Bangladesh which, as East Pakistan, was eco ...
distinctiveness, and had found it necessary to assert this from time to time in the face of assimilationist policies (notably th ...
Thus it may be theorized that if a region combines ‘ethnic potential’ with an improved economic position (or a faltering core ec ...
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