Social Media Marketing
(^59) ■ W HAT I S S OCIAL B USINESS ? Pepsico’s “The Juice” campaign is another example of how this higher calling and shared pu ...
60 c h a p t e r 3 : BUILD A S OCIAL B USINESS ■ Figure 3.4 Old Spice “Swaggerize” Campaign As a result, participation and organ ...
(^61) ■ WHAT IS SOCIAL BUSINESS? about how the business may be changed for the better. When charting your course in social busin ...
62 c h a p t e r 3 : BUILD A SOCIAL BUSINESS ■ Build Your Social Presence Campaign-centric communities are not the focus of a so ...
(^63) ■ WHAT IS SOCIAL BUSINESS? The Elements of Social Business (Continued) Communities and Forums Built around a cause, lifest ...
64 c h a p t e r 3 : BUILD A S OCIAL B USINESS ■ Operations Marketing Social Graph Social Spaces Social Content build relationsh ...
(^65) ■ W HAT I S S OCIAL B USINESS ? employees, the conversations themselves are very likely to be powerful expressions that ca ...
66 c h a p t e r 3 : BUILD A S OCIAL B USINESS ■ Figure 3.6 Aircel: Facebook voicemail This kind of presence in existing social ...
(^67) ■ SOCIAL BUSINESS AND MEASUREMENT within your social programs, however—and to get you thinking about this aspect of undert ...
68 c h a p t e r 3 : BUILD A SOCIAL BUSINESS ■ At the most basic level, as with any online interaction, the activity itself can ...
(^69) ■ SOCIAL BUSINESS AND MEASUREMENT As a practical example of the ways in which measurement can be brought to social computi ...
70 c h a p t e r 3 : BUILD A SOCIAL BUSINESS ■ also happening. It’s a lot like the general notion that “having momentum” is good ...
(^71) ■ EMPLOYEES AS C HANGE A GENTS Social Activity In addition to the measures of what is happening within the community, bran ...
72 c h a p t e r 3 : BUILD A S OCIAL B USINESS ■ The final link in the chain is therefore to connect employees (organizational p ...
(^73) ■ EMPLOYEES AS C HANGE A GENTS In health care or any other business vertical for that matter, what you’re discov- ering is ...
74 c h a p t e r 3 : BUILD A S OCIAL B USINESS ■ you brand, product or service. As such, these would be the things considered “t ...
(^75) ■ EMPLOYEES AS CHANGE AGENTS Knowledge Assimilation Ross Mayfield, founder and CEO of Socialtext, a social collaboration p ...
76 c h a p t e r 3 : BUILD A S OCIAL B USINESS ■ Connect Employees to Employees If knowledge assimilation throughout an organiza ...
(^77) ■ Review and Hands-On setting expectations, policies, and objectives in advance, you can get where you want to go much mor ...
78 c h a p t e r 3 : BUILD A S OCIAL B USINESS ■ chapters in Part III, “Social Business Building Blocks.” For now, focus on the ...
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