Hanging Tools with a Toggle T HIS SIMPLE HANGING SYSTEM, used by seamen to hang rope lines in lockers, is handy in the woodshop. ...
Making a Shop Moisture Gauge T HE DRAWING BELOW SHOWSa simple gauge you can make to give you a general idea of the relative humi ...
Eye-Protection Cleaning Station N O ONE IN MY SHOPlikes to wear eye protection. Glasses and goggles get fogged up and scratched, ...
Setting Up a Dust-Collection System T O SET UP A DUST-COLLECTIONsystem using a cyclone separator and tube filters, the first ste ...
Explosions are unlikely in either the cyclone or the tube filters if these components are sized appropriately for the system. Se ...
explanation to go into all the factors and formulas needed to properly design a dust-collection system, here’s a basic rundown o ...
The higher the total sp losses in a duct system, the more powerful the collector must be to overcome them. In the original scena ...
Simplified Dust-Collector Switch O VER THE YEARS,I HAVEseen several designs in Fine Woodworking for switching a dust-collection ...
Remote Control for Dust-Collection System R ECENTLY,I MOVED MY CUSTOMwoodworking business out of my home into a historic mill. A ...
Flexible Duct Solves Awkward Dust Hookups M Y DUST COLLECTOR ISmounted on a dolly, which can be rolled around the shop and hooke ...
Squirrel-Cage Fan and Dust Filter I WAS CONCERNED ABOUT DUSTin my shop and had this filter setup made at a sheet-metal shop. For ...
Hose Clamps to the Rescue A FTER SEVERAL MISHAPS WITHthe bag coming off my dust collec- tor, I made up a new band with a hose cl ...
Portable Flood Lights F OR THESE PORTABLE FLOODlights in my shop, I placed a connec- tion box below the lamp and then added a lo ...
Shop Wiring: 110v vs. 220v M ANY WOODWORKERS ARE CONFUSEDabout when to run 110v and when to run 220v wiring in the shop. First, ...
Overhead Plug-Ins T HIS SIMPLE BIT OF REWIRING Solves the problem of having a cord underfoot when using routers, drills, and the ...
Lighting a Woodworking Shop T O LIGHT A TYPICAL GARAGEwoodworking shop (a room 20 ft. by 18 ft. with small windows on three side ...
Problems of an Aging Motor W HEN AN AGING SINGLE-PHASEmotor seems to be starting slow- ly, there are two common points of failur ...
It is relatively easy to replace a bad capacitor if it’s externally mounted. It is more difficult to replace an internal capacit ...
Variable-Speed Control for Universal Motors M ANY WOODWORKERS HESITATE TOuse variable-speed controls with their tools because th ...
While in most cases the results of using a variable-speed controller with a portable power tool will be good, occasionally, due ...
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