English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary
gen: gene genciana: gentian gendarme: gendarme genealogía: genealogy generación: generation; succession; lineage generacional: g ...
geriatría: geriatrics geriátrico: geriatric gerifalte: gerfalcon; bigwig; bigshot germánico: Germanic germano: German; Teuton ge ...
giroscopio: gyroscope gis: chalk gitanería: gypsy community; dirty trick gitano: gypsy; sly; honeymouthed glaciación: glaciation ...
goleta: schooner golf: golf golfa: slut; hussy golfear: to loaf around golfillo: street kid; urchin golfista: golfer golfo: lout ...
gozada: absolute delight gozar: to enjoy ; oneself; to have; to possess gozne: hinge gozo: joy; pleasure; gladness; glee gozoso: ...
granar: to seed; to go to seed granate: garnet; garnet-coloured Gran Bretaña: Great Britain grande: big; large; tall; great; pas ...
graznar: to caw; to honk; to quack; to squawk graznido: caw; cawing; honk; honking; quack; quacking; squawk; squawking Grecia: G ...
guacamole: guacamole guachada: mean trick guachimán: night watchman guacho: illegitimate child; orphan guadalajareño: inhabitant ...
guarrería: filth; muck; filthy thing guarro: filthy; disgusting; pig; sow; hog; swine guarura: bodyguard guasa: humour; irony; f ...
guiri: foreigner guirigay: racket; din; gibberish; hubbub; confusion guirlache: brittle sweet made of roasted almonds or hazelnu ...
H ha: haber haba: broad bean; nodule; welt; papule Habana: Havana habanera: dance and music from Cuba habanero: inhabitant of Ha ...
haitiano: Haitian hala: come on; no, wow halagador: flattering; pleasing; gratifying; alluring; promising; bright; rosy halagar: ...
Hawai: Hawaii hawaiano: Hawaiian hay: hacer; there is; there are haya: beech; hacer haz: bundle; sheaf; faggot; gavel; beam; pen ...
henchir: to fill; to fill up; to stuff henchirse: to be filled; to stuff oneself hender, hendir: to carve open; to cleave; to cr ...
heroico: heroic heroína: heroine; heroin heroinómano: heroin addict heroísmo: heroism herpe, herpes: herpes herradura: horseshoe ...
hidrológico: hydrological hidromiel: mead; hydromel hidropesía: dropsy hidrópico: dropsical hidroplano: seaplane hidrosfera: hyd ...
hinchado: swollen; bloated; full; pompous; tumid; vain; puffed up hinchar: to inflate; to blow up; to bloat; to swell; to exagge ...
hispanidad: Spanishness hispanismo: Hispanic studies; Spanish term hispanizar: to hispanize hispano: Hispanic; Spanish hispanoam ...
hombrera: pauldron; epaulet; shoulder strap; shoulder pad hombría: manliness hombro: shoulder homenaje: homage; tribute; attenti ...
horda: horde; gang horizontal: horizontal horizonte: horizon horma: mould; mold; form; shoe tree; encontrar la horma de su zapat ...
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