English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary
emperramiento: stubbornness emperrarse: to get obstinate empezar: to begin; to start empiece: beginning; start empiezo: beginnin ...
empresario: businessman; employer; contractor; theatrical manager; showman empréstito: government or corporation loan empujar: t ...
encajonar: to box in; to put in a narrow place encajonarse: to get boxed in; to narrow between seep banks encalado: whitewashing ...
encargar: to entrust; to put under the care of; to recommend; to charge; to urge; to order encargarse: to take charge; to attend ...
enchinar: to curl enchufar: to plug in; to connect; to turn on; to pull strings for enchufarse: to get a sinecure enchufe: socke ...
encrespado: curly; standing on end; crispy; choppy; furious encrespar: to make choppy; to stir up; to curl; to crisp; to frizzle ...
endurecerse: to harden; to go hard; to become hardened; to become cruel ene: name of letter N enea: bulrush; cattail enebro: jun ...
enfurruñarse: to get angry; to sulk engalanar: to adorn; to bedeck; to dress engalanarse: to dress up enganchado: caught; stuck; ...
engrosar: to thicken; to make fat or corpulent; to enlarge; to swell engrosarse: to thicken; to grow fat or corpulent engrudo: p ...
enmaderar: to panel; to board; to plank; to wainscot; to timber enmadrado: too attached to one's mother enmadrarse: to get too a ...
enredarse: to get tangled up; to become involved; to be caught; to foul enredo: tangle; mess; knot; mix-up; complication; imbrog ...
enseñanza: education; teaching; instruction; lesson; example enseñar: to teach; to instruct; to train; to school; to show; to po ...
enternecedor: moving; poignant; touching; affecting enternecer: to soften; to touch; to move to pity enternecerse: to be touched ...
entrecortado: halting; faltering; broken; laboured; intermittent entrecot: entrecôte; ribsteak entrecruzar: to intercross entrec ...
entromparse: to get drunk; to get plastered entroncar: to be connected; to be related entronizar: to enthrone; to exalt entronqu ...
envoltorio: bundle; wrapping; wrapper; parcel envoltura: wrapping; wrapper; layer; cover; envelope envolver: to wrap up; to enve ...
equitación: horse-riding; horseback riding; equitation; riding equitativo: fair; equitable; reasonable equivalencia: equivalence ...
esbelto: slender and graceful esbirro: thug; catchpoll; myrmidon; bailiff esbozar: to sketch; to outline esbozo: sketch; outline ...
escáner: scanner; scan escaño: seat; bench; settle escapada: escape; flight; short trip, break; breakaway escapar: to escape; to ...
escindir: to divide; to split; to cut escindirse: to split; to break away escisión: split; break; division; schism; fission escl ...
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