Microsoft Word - Revised dissertation2.docx
separated themselves from the ruling authority in Jerusalem at some point in the second century B.C.E., as recorded in CD I:5-6. ...
community, implies that the Scrolls represent the type of biblical texts that were in circu- lation in Jewish Palestine during t ...
not all in circulation at the same point in time, we would not expect to find them depos- ited together in the same archaeologic ...
Fragments of 15 Hebrew documents from this final period at Masada were uncovered during the excavations led by Y. Yadin between ...
gogue itself, a scroll of Deuteronomy and a scroll of Ezekiel were found buried beneath the floor of locus 1043.^757 The conditi ...
The Sources In total there are 95 Torah texts represented in the evidence that has been recovered from sites along the western s ...
Table - Number of SU Preserved in the Torah Scrolls From the Dead Sea Area Scroll Total SU 4QpExodm 2147 11QpaleoLev4QNumb 1667 ...
Scroll Total SU 4QLev1QpaleoLev e (^109 106) 4QDeut11QLevob (^100 ...
Scroll Total SU 1QpaleoNum 2QNumc 5 5 4QGen4QGenhn^1 5 ...
317 Table - Variants From the MT in the Dead Sea Torah Scrolls Comparison: Q vs MT TOTAL PLL Orth. Variant SU per Orth. Variant ...
318 Comparison: Q vs MT TOTAL PLL Orth. Variant SU per Orth. Variant Orth. (l) Variant SU per Orth. (l) Variant Stylistic (Type ...
319 Comparison: Q vs MT TOTAL PLL Orth. Variant SU per Orth. Variant Orth. (l) Variant SU per Orth. (l) Variant Stylistic (Type ...
320 Comparison: Q vs MT TOTAL PLL Orth. Variant SU per Orth. Variant Orth. (l) Variant SU per Orth. (l) Variant Stylistic (Type ...
List of Variants From the MT Torah Scrolls From Qumran and Masada The Sources 3 13 No. Scrolls Variant Text Categorisation Q1 M ...
Q7 MT Deut 1:23 Mkm OV(l) – Possible difference in 766 Throughout this analysis suffixed pronominal forms written with final heh ...
1QDeuta 1 2 hmkm Q8 MT Deut 1:23 Myn# OV(l) – Difference in grammati- 1QDeuta 1 2 yn# cal form.^767 Q9 MT Deut 1:24 ht) SV(2) – ...
Q11 MT Deut 13:4 (m#t SV(1) – Difference in number.^770 1QDeuta 7-8 3 w(m[#t Q12 MT Deut 13:4 )whh OV(l) – Possible difference i ...
Q14 MT Deut 13:5 wklt OV(l) – Difference in grammati- 772 The form in 1QDeuta preserves paragogic nun. This occurs only on the l ...
1QDeuta 9 2 Nwklt Q15 MT Deut 13:5 w)ryt SV(2) – Possible difference in 1QDeuta 9 2 wd]b(t phrasing in 1QDeuta.^773 Q16 MT Deut ...
Q19 MT Deut 13:6 Kbrqm OV(l) – Possible difference in 1QDeuta 9 5 hkbrq[m pronunciation.^777 Q20 MT Deut 13:13 Kyr( OV(l) – Poss ...
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