Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World
revolution around the sun were not counted, since the calen- dar was based on the agricultural cycle, the Romans had no need to ...
365-day calendar counts. Integral to daily life, these comple- mentary calendar systems spread throughout Mesoamerica and dictat ...
FURTHER READING Anthony Aveni, “Pre-Columbian Images of Time.” In Th e Ancient Americas: Art from Sacred Landscapes, ed. Richard ...
potter’s wheel, pottery was made by molding with the hands or by laying ropes or slabs of clay on top of each other. Very often, ...
before firing. Hair, head, torso, and other body parts were made separately and then fitted together using “keys,” or grooves cu ...
or a round piece of clay. Th e technique was to hold the anvil inside the vessel and beat the outside with the paddle. Coil- bui ...
Th ese techniques were utilized on many forms throughout the history of Egyptian ceramic production. Modeling of the vessel wall ...
down and mixed in the medium to produce a blue pigment, copper could be added for green, and antimony produced yel- low. In the ...
and plants. Th ey also made bowls and other dishes, includ- ing goblets with pointed bottoms that would be stuck into the ground ...
century b.c.e., but the peoples of Indonesia seem mostly to have imported pottery from China and Korea rather than manufacture i ...
S p e c i a l i s t p r o d u c t i o n o n a l a r g e r s c a l e i s s e e n f r o m a r o u n d the mid-second millennium b. ...
other one in Mycenae, in the Peloponnese. Th e Bronze Age there ended in about 1200 b.c.e. Despite the introduction of bronze, c ...
directly related to their function as transport containers. In order to function eff ectively as containers for food, amphorae a ...
to create another vessel. Th ousands of such vessels were fi red at once in massive kilns shared by several related workshops. M ...
Th e people of ancient Mesoamerica—modern-day Mexi- co and Central America—produced excellent pottery. During the Formative Peri ...
Elizabeth Moignard, Greek Vases: An Introduction (London: Bristol Classical Press, 2006). Paul T. Nicholson and Ian Shaw, Ancien ...
function with one another in a social group in order to hunt, forage, grow crops, and perform other functions necessary to survi ...
adults—spent a great deal of time with their “age sets,” or people who were roughly the same age. At an early age chil- dren wer ...
2150 b.c.e) tomb of Ankhmahor at Sakkara, the necropolis at Memphis, may show a priest circumcising a boy with a curved fl int k ...
ring to dead siblings whom they had replaced. For example, the meaning of the name of the Assyrian king Sennacherib (r. 704–681 ...
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