Each one was offered a place And [this order] shall be present each living morning. [A.Y.M.] At times, in a basically secular th ...
A ruinous wind destroyed the cities of the people of LUT Any man who raised his head high ultimately found that his assumptions ...
They were made of two kinds so that they might inspire admiration in one another Evil is the custom of Somalis - otherwise they ...
Although the Somalis may reflect on the beauty of nature, they are keenly aware of its transitory character which is often empha ...
Weliyada hanuunaan baryiyo, hodanka Yaasiine Habeen iyo dharaar Eebbahay, hadimo kaa baaji Hor iyo hareer iyo gadaal, halal naba ...
Mar baan ahay muftiga sheekhnimo, mawlaca u galay'e Sometimes I am like a mufti who because of his piety goes into a secluded ni ...
And he should be regaled with the best meat of the rump and belly. (§omali Peetr!, Poem 6, Lines 11-13) In view of these example ...
In their zeal to make their audiences intimately familiar with the teaching of Islam, the Somali shaikhs not only translated int ...
Icalamity, misfortunG', as is reflected in the Somali language, is probably of Cushitic origin and might have been given its Isl ...
v The Sufi Poetry in Arabic Written by Somalis Among all Somalis and particularly among Sufis, Classical Arabic enjoys great pre ...
of religion who, among the nomadic Somali communities, act as the teachers of Islam and the guardians of Muslim orthodoxi. Lewis ...
of religion shall inherit the esoteric function of the Prophet, it is appropriate for the Sufis to venerate such men as those wh ...
is a well known poem RUB AL-c.i\SHIQIN ('The Spirit of Those Who Love') written in praise of SHAIKH cABD AL-QADIR AL-JILANI, the ...
54. to the needs of the ordinary peopie. Their Somali poems are principally directed to men who, in contrast to women, usually a ...
her locality (Hargeysa). Khadiija told me that Somali women who devote themselves to ~orship have always used the Somali poetry ...
Even though there is no record indicating the date when the sitaad was first used there is a strong conviction among Somali wome ...
When every prophet will refuse his people Muhammad will not reject us but he will fetch us o you for whose sake we travel long d ...
VIII Formal Characteristics of Sufi Poetry in Somali Since Somali Sufis both use and compose poetry in Classical Arabic, one mig ...
59. in so-called 'alphabetical poems' exemplified by Texts 5 and 22, where the letters of the Arabic alphabet are personified an ...
and the author treats them then as composite .i.~. as combinations of patterns. An example of this system of notation is given b ...
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