A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter
J'O:ad 07 ~Olf AD~. 191 lnpldt. Tw nin our laboun are wbataoe•u they be, Unleaa God givea the 13enedicite. Mercy the wise Atbeni ...
19i t'ODB OJ' JUtJ'LECJ'lOl!r .ll!iD SDTUUII't. :B&LIBVE n•ot that your inner eye Can ever in just measure try The worth of ...
PART IV. P 0 E M.S SOCIAL AND DOMESTIC AFFECTIONS. IJiauJIIItoo~r In all tho dewy laodocapea or tho eprtnr, In the brl&'llto ...
PO "EMS SOCIAL AND DOMESTIC AFFECTIONS. tbe Bia~-4tllUtt, Yotr m111t wake &lid eall me earlr. e.Ul me e~U~r._motbe~ dG~.ta T ...
196 PO:orB OF TH:1 SOCJ.AL AND DO.IIJI81'1C An'ECTIOB& They say he'e dying all for love, but that can never be: They say his ...
PODIS 01' 'mX SOCIAL -U'D DOHJ:S'l'IC A.n'ECTlON:S. 197 Last May we made a crown of dowers ; we had a merry day; B eneath the ha ...
198 ~-or 1'111: BOCU..L .AJrD oo.-r1c ~.llOI'loaa. Oood·DiJht. '-'mother; eall •e before thAt clay ia bo111. All aigb' I lie awa ...
1'01:¥8 0~ TO eocu.L 4lfD D01081'IC AFnO'l'lOX8. 199 I thought that b wu fancy, and I listen'd ln my bed, And then did 1omething ...
200 PO.IMS OJ '1'JD: BOCI4L AliD DOXES'fiO Al'JPIXl'I'IONS. Bow strikingly the eoune of nature tells, By ite light heed of huma. ...
PODIB 01' TBB BOCLA.L AlfD DOKJ!8TIO J.7rBC1'10ll'8. 201 Whoee diamond!! lit the paaaage of his blade, Reeted, like mockery, on ...
20i 1'0llll8 0 1' ~ IIOCLt.L i.lro DOJDftlO Al'nO'l'lOJIS. "And now, farewell! 'Tia hard to give thee up, With death 10 like a g ...
For I have cherilh'd them u dear, Because they yet may meet thine eye, Aud guide thy soul to mine even here, When thou behold'a~ ...
204 1'01:¥8 01' TJB SOCIAL AND D0Kl!8'l'IO An'BCI'TOQ. "No check, no atay thla. Streamlet f"ean; H ow merrily it goea I 'Twill m ...
10DIB Ol' TD I!IOOtAL Ali'D DOJDIII"''tt .un:cnon. 90~ "And, MAtthew, for thy children dead ru be a SOD to thee I" At thia he gr ...
l!i(M5 t'ODUI 07 m• SCICIUL A1ID DOJdfttC .lJ71X7l'lO~I. Freeb from ilbe pRin it wu to par~ How could I belli' the paint Yet .tr ...
POGGI <W TD IICCUL Alro DOI08'rl0 A.FJ'EC'I'IOR ~7 I am oot of bumanit,y'a rencb, I muat Jiuish my JOurney alone, Nner hear t ...
208 PODI8 OJ Tim SOOU.L A!ID DOIO'BI'IO A7n~Ct'~Oll& cfritnba. So101 I remember, and will ne'er forget ; My early friends, f ...
Thua ill the atilly ni~bt Ere alumber'a cba~n hu bound me, Sad Mentory b1inga the light Of other daye around me. Wheu I remember ...
'~' fout of'«)ndit ~obt. WBU twiligbt.-~ng ilaah Turns to th~'Pn~• abado,. dim,. And the seo., with gentle hWih, Brel\thea a dul ...
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