A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter
POlDl8 01" UU.GUfATlON AND !'.41fOY, 91 It TBtNO of beauty ia a joy for ever: All loveliueBB increases; it will never PAU into n ...
92 l'O:mrB OP UU.GUATlOtr A.YD J'Ucr; Os I it i.e pleasant with a heart at ease, Jus~ after sllllBet, or by moonlight akie~~t To ...
fObS OJ' IJUGDi"ATION .AND •uar, 93 She bas va.eaals to attend her : She will bring, in spite of frost, Beauties that the earth ...
10aas oF nuonu.nolf Atm r.A.Jrar. l'A.RT I. lT is an ancient Mariner, And he etoppeth one of t.ht'ee. "By thy long gray-~c&r ...
The bride hath paeed into the hall, Red aa a rose ia abe : Nodding their heade, before her gOH The me1·ry minstrelsy. The Weddi. ...
"And a good south wind spl'1111g up behind; The Albatrou did follow, And every day, for food or play, Ca.me to the marinet'8' h ...
l"'IUIS 0' UUOili.A.TlOlf .t.MD J'UCT, 97 "Down dropt the breeze, the aile dropp'd down, 'Twaa ad u aad could be; And we ditlspe ...
98 I'OJDIS OJ' 11U.OI1UTI01J .tJro • .&lre'r. P.f.ILT UL n T'BE.RJI paaa'd a weary time. Each throat Waa parch'd, and gla.ze ...
".Alas I (thought I, and' my heart beat feud~ How fn.et she nears lfol&d De&r8 I Are those her aaile that gla'rloe in th ...
J()() 1'0100 01' IlU.OllU'l'lON AlfD 'ABcr, "The eouls did from their bodiea lly,- They Aed to bliu or woe I And every eonl, it ...
·POEMS OJ' IJUOINATlON AND 1'"-XaT. }OJ "The cold sweat melted from their limb., Nor rot nor reek did they 1 The look with whieh ...
l'AJI.f v, (^4) ' Oa sleep! it is a gentle tbing, Beloved from pole to ,POle I To Mary Queen tbe prawe be given I She sent the g ...
l'ODIB ·Ol' lliL6.0~.A.t'ION .A.ND :l'.tU!CY. 103 "They groan'd, they atirt•'d, they all uproee, Nor ap&ke nor moved their e ...
POD.S OF llKA.GllU..TIOl4 AlfD J'AlfCT. "Till noon we quietly a:UI'd on, Yet never a breeze did breathe : Slowly and smoothly ...
l'O.DI8 o• UIAOIMATION UD J'AJIICT. 10~ PARTVl. Firat Voice. .. • But tell me, tell me I apeak again, Thy soft reapon11e renewin ...
Jo06 PODS OF UlAGUU.TIOK Al'!D J'AlfQr. "And now thia spell was 1oapt : once more I view'd the ocean green, And look'd fAr forth ...
1'01118 OJ' UU.OllU.1'lOif .UD J'U'flf. 1Q7 "And the bay waa white with ailent light, Till rising from the same, Full many ahape ...
108 PODS OF nU.OtlU.TJOlf J.lO) J'A.lfar. P4RT Vtl. "Tms Hermit good lives in that wood Which slopea down to the aea. How loudly ...
ro:Ja~S OJ' UlAOUU.'I'IOlf .&.1fD J'Ua't, 109 "Stunn'd by that loud and dreadful eound, Which akr and ocean emote, Like one ...
1 10 !'OIDIB O'P' DU.OllU.'ftOJr Alm .. .llfaY. "What loud uproar burwta from tba\ d~t l" "'The wedding-gnent are there :. Bat i ...
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