A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter
'PODll OP IJUOUIATION Alro J'UC1'. 1:11 :But. oh I th11t deep romantic chum, which slanted Down tbe green bill, athw&rt a ce ...
131 J'OXIIB 0., UUGDJ.ATIOJI £X!> .,.UC!'. '~' ~&nlllmrb «awimu. OBDA'n by thia hope ehe benda her thither;- Still lAughs ...
'POEMB OJ' txAGil!A.TlOlJ .uti> PAll! CT. 133 Met that unclouded joyous gaze, As torches that have bumt all night Through som ...
13-l fOJ:M.B OJ' UlAGIJI.t.TIOlf .t.l!D J'All~. From boyhood's hour, th&t instant came Fresh o'er him, and he wept-he wept I ...
I'O'DS OJ' DUGDr.4J'lOW ~ J'.A.JnW, 18& "Beware the pine-tre.'a witherld bnace J Beware the awful a"ftlanohel " Tbia wu the ...
136 POEKS OJ' DUOUU.TION .Alm J'AlfOT. At which the uniYereal hoet up eent A about that tore Hell'• concave, and beyond Frighted ...
P01D(8 01' tKA.Gl.NATION AlfD I'Alfct'. 131 When Charlemain with all biB peerage (ell By Fontarabbia. Thus far these beyond Comp ...
138 PO..S W IXAGtll~lr ~lfD J'UCT. Yet, ~e'-lilte. Uat lone one etood, W[th tlauntl~a worde and high. That ehook the eere l.eane ...
" T.hia apirit shall return to Him That gave ita heaorenly apark ; Yet thiDk not, Sun, it eball be dim When thou thyaelf ari dar ...
l.tl\ PODS OJ' llrAGIFAT'IOW ,uro J'.!l!OT. The Wme811 or her ra.ee no tongue can tell! For abe tbe da11ghten of all women' a ra ...
l'OJD(8 0~ JIU.GUU.TION AND ~JJf<fr, 14 l Make her hie eternal bride, And from her fair unspotted 8ido Two bli.aeful twine ar ...
Hi l'OIDD 01' DUfltlU.'l'tOlf £.1f1) P.\lfer, Hi~h enthroned in palaoe aolden 1 Fa1rer Queen was ne'er behold.n J Men of every c ...
PART III. POEMS 01' REFLECTION AND SENTIMENT. 0 DUM not mlcht U>ll •011411 ~ AJIIdle lit U>e Poet brlnp : Lei btJb Pl1Uooo ...
POEMS 01 REFLECTION AND SENTIMENT. ebt tD ~ut 11 • 8niuf Daughter oftbe V oice of God I 0 Duty I if that name t.hou love Who art ...
146 POEllS OJ' llD'LBCl'tO!f Alfll 8Blll'l'DODI'l'. r, loving freedoJD, and untried ; No •port of every random gnat, Yet bemg to ...
Bot 'tis more a'W'fhl to behold A heJple1111 infant IM~wly bol"''l 1 Wboee ltttle hnnda uneooeeioua hold The keya of darkneaa au ...
In the world's broad field ofba.ttle, In the bivouac of Life, Be not like dumb, driven cattle! Be a hero in the strife l '!run n ...
l'QE)[S OJ' R:~ON A1'D 8h'l'IJoNT. 149 Cloeer and c:loser then we knit Hearts and hand.e together, Where our ii.r'eaide comforts ...
Jn svottuuamru :Jib maa puUd b,, IT ia not growing lib a tree In bulk, doth make man better be ; Or standing like an oak three b ...
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