A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter
~~ldita. Sa ho~ beneAth the mooobum'• ~mil., Yon little billow her.v• ita breat; And (OIUill ud apw-~ea for a while, And murmuri ...
172 POIDI8 o:r UBI'LJIG'l'ION .A MD IIDTDID'l'. c:t, jlghf ar inn. 'l'B:& 1ligbt is come, but not too soon ; And linking sil ...
L BWDT day 1 so eool, 110 calm, 10 bright, The bri<'lal of the earth &nd eky, The dew ebe.ll weep thy fe.ll to-night; For ...
114 1'0~ OJ' un..cmoll Al{D ani¥DT. ~p.cak pita to tkt «rtbrg. Snu gently to the erring- Ye know not all the power With which th ...
J.ob!auu of • Jomfa -=· 0 I I WOULD wal.lt A wuar jou~y, to the la.rthMt verg. Qf tb.e bic Yorld, to kiM thf.t good m&n'a bu ...
l i6 l'ODIS OJ' 11.ULBOI'IOlf .AliD tiD'riKD'r. ~Jolntt rl 4fndlnuJJ. Snut yon eo gently 1 Pardon me, I pray you. I thought that ...
fO&Ma OJ' B.ULEIO'l'lOlf .AJrJl Uli'I'UUUIT. 177 «ontJwiou. TID aweeteet 'foioe That warblea in the grove, a not ao aweet Aa ...
Jtbtr Ill~ Jail. KDP wtll''king-'tiB wiaet' '.nwlaitting aside, And dreaming &nd ai2h!ng And wniting the tide. lD life's eU' ...
Jut. Swn:r ia the pleasure ltaelf cannot spoil! h not true lei1111re {)ne with true toll t Thou that wov.ld'•t tute Jt, StiJl.do ...
Joptl. Rona are irlepirationa ; fint they grow 'Ill crypt--like heart., where aecret aplendoure glow Of Love and Wiedom. H oJ> ...
toDB OJ' llli:J'L&C7l'IO!r .AJID 8DTJlDDI'l'. 181 WoULD that I were a river, To wander all alone Through some sweet Eden or ...
linu• go !Ia (urns, Tmllopped tree in t.ime may grow ~n, Moet naked pla.nta renew both fruit 111d Bower: The eorrieet wight aay ...
~ br t~ <fomi. I>u1c. Come, a hill we go IUld k.illll& nuiloa' And yet it kU me, tho poor dapplool foola- Being native ...
Are mere uaurpen, tyrattta, and, what's wol'l!e 1 To fri~bt the animals, and to kill them up In the1r &~~~ign'd and native d ...
POIDlB OJ' REJ'LECl'lOlf A.ND S&NTIXIJI"l'. 185 Who-u he watches her silently gliding- Bemembere that wave after wave is div ...
1 8!1 l'OI:D 0 .. IIJD'LIIC'l'IOK UD 8DTDaJIT. Tho breezy eall oC incense-breathing morn, The aw&I.Low twittering from her a ...
Some villa.ge Hampdei:t 1 that, ·with dauntl8118 breaat, The little tyrant of his .fields wilhatood; Some mute ingloriova Milton ...
188 POitV8 OJ' B.D'LECTJON Atro 8DTUDIN"''. Haply, some hoa.ry-he&ded awaJn may say- '' Oft have we seen him, at the peep of ...
Tnn rolla hla ceuel-ooune. The race of yore, Who danced our infa.ncy upon their kuee, Alld told our marvelling boyhood legenda a ...
fhobmu in t~• '&il. L 1'Bn11 It some lOW of goOODUI tn thlnga rnl, Would men obaerringly diatil 1t out. 8ll.A.U.8l'U.D. u. ' ...
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