A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter
PODltl OJ' RZFLJt<n'lO!I AXIl SDTUIUT. 161 This aacred right ia fruitlessly announced, Thia univeru.I plea in vain addreu'd, ...
162 POZXS OF RDLECl'lON 41fD SJ1:111'l.Km!T. And ahelter from the blast-in Vl\in we hope The tender plant should rear ita bloomi ...
PODL8 OJ' IU!:J'LECTION .lln> 8DTDU.K1', 163 Let all sweet flowers bloom in ita green retreats; Let enry wiltf-bird find swee ...
1M POJ!Jl& 071 Bm'LECl'ION .U'O SEln'IHJL.'f'l'. Gather the wisdom of the Pyt1Uilida, The eecreta that Egyptian Hierophnnta ...
"Blown by a young Arclwlgel; nor forget The living in thy re•erence for the dead. Make wide Valh&lla for the bet~r gOO. Than ...
1 ~6 POIDl8 OJ' Jlln'L'ECTION .Aln> 8EIITUIRT. Take what thy brother offers thee; perchance The simplest nature may have woke ...
b thou be one whoee heart the holy forma or young imagination have kept pure, Stran~er l henceforth be warn'd ; and know that pr ...
Ui8 PODS 01' RD'LJ!OTIOl'l .&1m ~. All thoughta of ill, all evil deeds, That have their root in thoughta of ill ; Whatever h ...
t~e 8.oob' 6reaf ITatr. " How uldorn, Friend, a good great TOAD inherit. Honour or wealth, with nU his worth ud pailla I It eoun ...
160 l'OEK.S OJ' liXFLEOTION AND BJQITI:kE!n', 8tittt ta ba&t fht l!ad'll Jtarl iqau !!ram B:mTER to have the poet's heart th ...
••• w tD trU • Jingbom it. MT mind to me a kingdom ia, Such perfect joy therein I fiDd, That it excela all other bU. That God or ...
Bwur t.re the tho~hta that u.Tour of oontent: The qui;et mind ia rieher than a crown: Sweet are the night. in oo.releu slumber a ...
Wa~ are the aw&llo1n1 8 11d t Frozen t.nd dead, Perchance nrm some bleak and atol'II)y aho:re. 0 doubtllli heart I Far over ...
1M roDS OJ' B.ULJ:C1'10!1 .UD IS'DTDilDfT• A OJUD without a p~, void, dark, and drear, A stifted,.drow6Y, UUlDlputlion'd gl'icf, ...
PODS OJ' BD'LZC'l'lOlf Aim RN'l'UDUIT.· 160 0 pure of heart!. thou need'at not aai: of me What. thia ltrong m uaic in the aoul m ...
166 POZM!I oY auucrrow .urn IIZNTI1mln'. '~t ~~ a£ tit «aliM= ba SIJOtltigbt. I 8l'OOD within the Col!Jeu.mla wan 'Midst the chi ...
OOJI!'081l!) '"01'1 ~ uroos. E.um baa not Anything to ehfi'W' more f!Ur: Dull would he be of soul 'Who eanld pall by A ai~tht so ...
.. 168 PODII OJ' &DLIIIC1r10lf ~ BD t1W1. Jta&.ct Db Sm. DaoP, drop into the gran, Old Lear, l>rop, drop into the gra ...
PODS OJ' BD'LJWrlOif AND IIBtl'rl1IUT, 169 Cit Jumai• llf timl. BUU'l'H this ~arch Nought reet.eth or 18 etill, But all things h ...
:J. !mutt. SLOWLY, slowly up th& .aU Steals the aanabine, ate.ala the sb&de, Evenin~ dAmps begin to pall, Evewng aha.dow ...
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