A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter
1!0DJI OJ' TH& IIOCULA.lm DOICBBJ'IO .uumtOlf& ill IT atanda in a sunny meadow, The house eo moaay and bl'Own, Wilb ita ...
212 l'OJIXII 01' Tl1B SOCLU. ~Jl DOllllll8n.C .AI'nCI:lOJ'S. Though dimm'd her eye'a bright azure, And dimm'd her Lair'a young g ...
.l'OJX& em TU IIOOl4L .uu DO~ .uncmon. 'il:6 ".Ah, ab I old worn~ut soldier, is it you 1" Tbroagb the room ranged the imprie ...
!16 roDIB 07 'l'lm SOCU.L AlJD DOKUTlO .AJ'nCTIOl'l'l. YotrNo follce now floeken in every wbert', To gather May.-buakete and sme ...
JIDlWd of fbe ~nab 'migrant. I'x mtting on the stile, MAry, Where we eat aide by aide, On a bright May moruing long ago, When fi ...
~! 8 l'ODl8 OY TB& 8t)OUL .Aim DOJOrBI'IO ·Ai'li'&CmO:U. I tha.nlc you. for the patient emile When your bel\rt was fit· ...
!Jam.cati~ ,feau. TxLL roe,. on what holy ground May Domestic Pence be found 1 Halcyou dau~hter of the skies, Far on !earful wiu ...
'bilbrm. CoX11 to m~, 0 ye children I l'or I bear y ou at your pllly, And the questions that perplu\ 1 nto Have vo.ni.eh'd q ...
'hilbboo)). 0 Taoo bright thing, freeh fr<>m the band of God ; The motions of thy dancing limbe are away'd By the unceaaiD ...
Ht roZJa~.o..·m•.eoo&U: un oo...,.r~ unorron. I beard tho bell toll'J Oil thy· barial..!ay, laaw the hearse tbnt bore thee e ...
Adda.joy-tbduty 1 makee me-~ta.i-to·pa.Y' Sncb.JuJIIoun to thee ns 'Dly·namben mAY·: Perhaps a !tail memorial, but-aioce~ 1 - No ...
.And now fareweU!-Time unrevoked haarun Ilia wonted colll'Re, yet what I wiah'd ia done. By Contemplation's help, not sought in ...
lbt !Jl!ing ~ou to t~e ilo.e 5loa'-Dm. BIU'OB.B thy leaves thou comeet once more, White bloBSom c.f the 11loe I Thy leaves will ...
Oh l Bpring may come, and lpring may go; Flowers, 8Uilllhine, ~ot cheOl' them : This living heaTt, thil bn«flt yoii'Dg life, Wil ...
SoL through the llight of mortAl life, Y oar angel one hath etriYen : The eternal sana lhine not 10 bright .A. the redeem'd in h ...
.228 POBKB OJ' THlll SOCIAL AND DOKB81'10 An'BC'l'lONB. ~baib b£ ~llbt 'brl$htbtl. IN this dim world of clouding cares, We nrely ...
And aye we seek &Dd hunger on For p?eciona pearla and relict rnre, Strewn on the B&llda for ua to wu.r At heart, for lov ...
-- ia() I'QJIIIIlCir Tld IJOOU.L .d'D »O..UC ~IG. " Come and fear not I " it eoAly eried; "We wait to lead thee to thy home:" Th ...
POJDIB Or 'I'D I!IOCIAL AlfD tlOlBS'I'tO ~Olf8. 231 Ere the eveniag lampe are lighted And, like phantoms grim and t;i~ Shadowdro ...
23iil rOEliB 01' Ta& SOO=u.l. 4lfD DOJ08"1'10 .t.J'RCJ'IO.ll'& ~ngt!-.i.ongs. TaOBlt halting tones that aound to yon, Ar ...
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