A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter
POIIKB 01' llU.GJNA.TIOlf A1n> ~"'-110'1, 111 O•a apea a mldalgbt dreary, while I poDder'd, w.Jr ad _,., Onr IOAli.J I qutat ...
'lbeu tbll ebony bird beguiling my oad !bey Into IDlllin& By the gnn aDd atem decorum of the 001111tenuce It wore, "1bongl'l ...
l'OIDUI OJ' DU.Gili.M'1011' UD J'UCT. 113 ~,,,. Mid r, " tblDg ot nn t-ptOpb« ltiU. If blr4 « denlt- B,. w' Beano Ulat belldJ a ...
lU PODS OJ' DU.OtlU.TIOlf AND J'.ANCT. And took ita own free ooune without a Clar9: .Amid the boughs did lute-tongued songsters ...
roDB oY nu.omATIOif 4ll1> 1'4lfoY. I I 6 So close were roM ~md lip together twiDe!t, A double flower that from one bod bad bl ...
116 l'O.EU OJ' UU.Oll'I.A.riON A.IIID I'~OY. There s-rew pied wind-ftowere and violets, Dawnee 1 tliose peul'd .Arcturi of the e ...
POBliS OJ' IJU.GUIAT10lr .A1fD Pi.lfCT. 117 Of\ on the dr.ppled turf' at eue I Bit and play with aimilea, Looee typea of thinga ...
118 l'OlDIS OJ' UUGilf.A'I!lOlf .i.MD J' Ali'CY. Tmt sun is wum 1 the sky is clear, The wavu are d:wciDg fast and bright, Blue i ...
PODlll OJ' UUOINA'tiO!C ~:0 J'A.NC1', 119 ~ A!Uion. I Bl!AllD the dogs b&ri: in the moonlight night, And I went to the windo ...
120 l'OI!!Jl8 0!' IlUGUU.'l'ION AND :rAJilar, ~n ~n.&orntian. Hua., sweet spir it, bear the spell, Lest n blacker ch11rm com ...
PomiS 01' nU.GINATlON AND J'A'IfCT. 12l The efBoreacence of hie being blooma On earth, blooms splenditlly. Like May he came, Bow ...
lili PODS OE llU.GDU.TIOM A!!D FANCY • .Beside her lay her lyre. She auatch'd the shell, And wa.ked wild muaic from ite silver s ...
J'ODIB 01' JlUOlll.t.TlOlJ Al.~D .FAlllCT. U3 cfnbl& il ~o6t's lnor(). Ou, never rudely will I blame thia faith Iu the might ...
\U l'OD(S OY nlAOtlU.TIO!II' &liD 7UCT, With voicee through the eloutl that sung, And brooding etorma that round ua bung. ~l ...
.I!'OlDrl! Ol' UlAOUU.TIOlf UD l'UC!'. 126 Not theirs the gnwd triumphAl chant Of Summer days, but still the,r pant W.itb music, ...
126 POICB OP' J)IAOTNATION A!ft> ?.A111CT, .faq iottp. l. CoME, follow, follow me, Ye fairy elves that be Light tripping o'er ...
PO&llS OJ' IlUOilU'l10!f ~D ruCT. 127 The wheel of fortune guide you, 'l'he boy with tho bow beside you Run &ye in tho w ...
.. ,. 128 l'OIIJIS 01' UUQUf.u'IOlf .OW 'IAIJf!r. iong Df ~poll.a. I WILL teach you ho'l to blow A silver bOl'll 1 whose notes s ...
POml!l 07 IIU.ODfAT1011' An ~..uror, (^11) I met a l&dy in the meada, Full beautiful-& faJ!ry'a child Her hair waa long, ...
130' PODIJ OJ' DU.OD!.l'l'JOlf .AJID J'AlfCI', ~ Jnimb ~Pit! ba tbt ~kon. BT the ehore, a plot of ground Olipe a ruin'd cliapel ...
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