The 48 Laws Of Power
()n (he other/mm].It i.\' 11 rmlremrrinwmlulirm tobe stupizl. For m.s.‘tz/1.x‘ wumulzis agrcrtuh/¢' to the (Indy. .\'l7itrlmtvth ...
The logistics ofthe conwere quitesimple. MonthsbeforeArnold and Slackannouncedthe “discovery” ofthediamond mine, they traveledto ...
I60 3 LAW2] sign a certain treaty. The treaty was totally intheinterests of Prussiaand against the interests of Austria, andBism ...
backs, butwho laughed loudestintheend?In general, then, always make people believe they aresmarterand more sophisticated than yo ...
I62 LAW‘ll a highprice.Among the guests wasa young Frenchartcriticwhoseemed extremelyknowledgeable andconfident. Wanting to impr ...
LAW 22 USE THE SURRENDER TACTIC: TRANSFORM WEAKNESS INTO POWER J UDGM E NT When you are weaker, never fightfor honor’: sake; cho ...
‘lI‘1I".l‘|lI'NI'Vl'| \7\l) |‘I[la|'|(.'|‘l(|'l A man who had climbed upon (Icertain figtree, was [muting the banghs towardhim a ...
givesyounothing to gain but martyrdom, and inthe process alot of people whodonotbelieve in your causewilldie. Weaknessisno sin, ...
166 LAW 22 allmore intelligent thanthemembersofthecommittee. Why lowerthem- selvestotheleveloftheir opponentsbyarguing with them ...
pearing to yield whileallthe time running circlesaroundthecommittee with vagueresponses,outright liesthatwent unchallenged becau ...
I65 LAW 22 In 473 B.C., inancient China, KingGoujian ofYuesufferedahorrible defeatfromtherulerofWuinthebattleof Fujiao.Goujian w ...
violence, lowering themtothe guards’ level. Overobeying the guards, how» ever, madethem ridiculous, yetthey couldnot rightlypuni ...
170 LAW 22 REVERSAI. The point of surrendering istosave your hideforalaterdatewhen you canreassert yourself. Itis precisely toav ...
23 CONCENTRATE Y()[JR.F()R(3ES JUDGMENT Conserve yourforces and energies bykeeping them concentratedattheir strongestpoint. You ...
TH}(.‘UU.<l;AND Till’.IIOHSF A game who was plucking grass upon u common thought her.\'el_faffronter!by a horsewho fed near h ...
OBSERVANCEOFTHELAW’ The Rothschild bankingfamily hadhumble beginnings inthe Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt, Germany. The city‘s hars ...
Ir-4 ‘ LAW 23 Salornon’s son.Inthe years to come, thefivebrothers arrangedeighteen matches among their cluldren, sixteen ofthese ...
itwasthesecretofhissuccessonthebattlefield.Buthis willpower andhis mindwere equally modeledonthisnotion. Single-mindedness of pu ...
I 76 LAW 23 early seventeenth century, itwasnot King LouisXIIIwhodecided things, itwasthe king’s mother.Andsoheattachedhimselfto ...
Cesarewasas good asdead.Hehadmadefartoo many enemiesoverthe years, andwasnowwithouthisfather’s protection. Incaseswhen youmay ne ...
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