The 48 Laws Of Power
to beguile thecommittee with well—crafted responses that were ambiguous, funny, and double—edged. Insteadofan angry, heartfelt t ...
REVERSAL Therecan really benoreversaltothiscriticallaw:Badtheaterisbadthe- ater.Even appearing natural requires a.rt—inother wor ...
LAW 26 KEEP YOUR HANDS CLEAN JUDGMENT You must seem a paragon ofcivility and efficienr.y.' Your hands am: never soiled by mistak ...
PART I-.CONCEALYOURMIS'I‘AKES-~ HAVE A SCAPEGOATAROUNDTOTAKETHEBLAME Our good nameand reputationdepend moreonwhatweconcealthanon ...
202 LAW 20 portance of appearances ashe did, Ts’aoTs’aodidnothesitateforamo- ment:He shopped aroundforthemostconvenient head and ...
Cesareforesawthefuturewith amazingclarity in Romagna‘.Only bru- tal justice would bring order tothe region. The process wouldtak ...
204 LAW20‘ rificeisa ritual, perhaps themostancient ritualof all; ritualtooisawell- spring of power. Inthe killing ofde Orco, no ...
by the incompetence ofthosearound you. Ifthe scapegoatappears too weakandhis punishment too cruel, youmay end up thevictimof you ...
llll‘.\i1)\K|-ZV«‘l\|5 'lHI-(',,\'l A monkey and cat, in ruguery and fun Swornbrothel-,9twain. lmzhowneda(‘L’)iI7II1(lI’I masten ...
herself smuggled intohis presence rolled up insidea carpet, whichwas gracefully unfurledathis feet, revealing the youngqueen.Cle ...
menclimbed(hetree for the r-ham, they saw the swelling hood of thecobra.So they killed(hesnakewith «Imr ci'uh€, f(‘Ifi(7\/(J6! t ...
and gain pockets ofinfluencealloverChina.Assoonasthewar against the Japanese ended, thecivilwarstarted—but thistimetheCom ...
mnszrrr laugh at your expen.w. To.s‘u'm(:r:thzrir ('fl(‘klI‘,, should you handout rough Pzinixhmmt? Maybe you ‘renor .vtmn,g mou ...
In essence, Daizenmadehimselfthe cat’s-paw, thetooltotakethe chestnutsoutofthefire. He musthavefelt some pain in losing the vase ...
l),\\'lDXVI)Il.\'l‘|l*1llV,|i\ .4!{hetum oftheyear, what; kmgx takethe fluid, Davidscm,/oab outwithhisother offi- wrsandalltheLw ...
husbandwouldhesofurioushewouldinsiston joining hiswifeintheses- sionssohecouldsetthedoctor straight. Finally,youmay wellfindcase ...
214 LAW 26 REVERSAI. The cat’s~paw andthe scapegoat must beused with extremecautionand delicacy. They arelikescreensthathide you ...
LAW 27 PLAY ON PEOPLE’S NEED TO BELIEVE TO CREATE A CULTLIKE FOLLOWING JUDGMENT People havean a-uerwhelming desiretobelieveinsom ...
ItwusIntheclzarlatarzir uzlvanmgrt thatthe indi- viduals prezlisposed to rredulily skortidmarital ply, thatthe groups o f hisadh ...
The gimmicks oftheCharlatans may seem quainttoday, butthereare thousands ofcharlatans among us still, using thesametried~a:nd—tr ...
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