The 48 Laws Of Power
.l.R Morgan St».once ((1111ajcwzzlmuflhis an/uairzm:m> thathe wasimererrerlIll buying a pearl .\'( ml’- pin. Justa few wt?€k. ...
This supplies thecleverand cunning withenormous opportunities for deception. For people whoare choosing betweenalternativesfindi ...
2&0 LAW’ 31 The Shrinking Options. The latemineteenth-century art dealerAm- broiseVollard perfected this technique. Customer ...
heading in, they neverknewifhewouldattackfromtheleftor the right, for hedividedhis army intotwo wings--and iftherebelsretreatedf ...
5'62 LAW 31 REVERSAI. Controlling the options hasonemain purpose: to disguiseyourself asthe agent of power and punishment. Theta ...
32 PLAY TO PEOPLES FANTASIES ‘JUDGMENT Thetruthix often avoidedbecauseitis ugly andun- pleasant. Never appeal totruthand reality ...
TllliHVi.“-\I.(ll-' llllul_lll'\|',*~‘1~'- Thelion having smlelenly losthis qU€t'.Vl. CVFVV (771? Imstmred InShowalle- girmcc to ...
withthe republicfunding his banquets, his expensive clothes, and all his otherwhims.Akindof alchemy fever spreadthrough Venice.O ...
Ifymt wanttotelllies thatwillbehelilaved, dun’!tell the truth thatwont EMPLRORTUKU19/\wA lF\i;\Sl;orJ/‘P/\Y\u S1-‘.\'l-‘NTF1N'I’ ...
masses,then, keepyour eye onthebanaltruthsthat weighheavily onus all.Neverbedistracted bypeop1e’sglamorous portraits ofthemselve ...
268 LAW 32 strange.’s rigid controlof people’sdangerous dreams gave himthe perfectopportunity to exploit their f ...
Vermeerforhisscambecauseheunderstood fantasy: The paintings would seemreal precisely becausethe public, andthe experts as well, ...
270 LAW 32 REVERSAL Ifthereis power in tapping intothefantasiesofthe masses, there is also danger,Fantasyusually containsaneleme ...
LAW 33 DISCOVER EACH MAN’S THUMBSCREW jUDGMENT Everyone hasa weakness, a gap inthecastlewall. That weaknessis usually an insecur ...'\,|'lll*', (‘ll\.\1l)l>.\\l)IVIII.l-OX Alionwas (‘lmsing a Chamois along a valley. llehad allbut caught it, andwi ...
have been outgrown. If your victimsor rivalswentwithout something im- portant, suchas parentalsupport, when they were children, ...
more crm/"med. ” "Look " mid Irving irtzpatieritly. "Iknow what I'm doing. Iknow howorwillWarner. ’l"Iu'.s:isa type of mim- nutt ...
shrewdRichelieu played him differently,deliberatelypushing himinto one ambitious project after another, such as a crusade agains ...
I/rench per/}xrrie'r. Do you lift? it?” “Ilove it, ”3!to replied. The following day I went throughmy cffctrts and found two empt ...
ing the newly rich businessmanaccess to the glittering worldofold wealth. Andforthe coup de grace, he apparently owned a machine ...
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