The 48 Laws Of Power
298 LAW3.1 Thiswasthe technique MachiavelliadmiredinCesare Borgia, who, during negotiations, would suddenlypressvehemently fora ...
slightest hitchin yourendgame. Your mastery of timing can reallyonly be judged by how you workwithendtime——-how you quickly chan ...
300 36 DISDAIN THINGS YOU CANNOT HAVE: IGNORING THEM IS THE BEST REVENGE _]UDGMEN'I‘ By acknowledging a pettyproblemyou give it ...
TRANSGRESSIONOFTHELAW TheMexicanrebelleaderPanchoVillastartedoutasthechiefofa gang of bandits, butafter revolutionbrokeoutinMexi ...
'|H|.\~«i\.\|) IHI:(.\|il)l.\«‘ /Inum‘lldll()II1‘(' by someaccidentlosthis tail, whichwas(1 griev- ous ajflielion to him; an ...
never inadvertently drawattentiontothebothersomeinsectthatwill go away ordieonitsown.If you wastetimeand energy insuch entangle ...
Am]in thisViewitis advimhleto let everyone ofyaur(lL‘(.,'ulItIl1(1IlL‘t‘4 whethermanor wornan—frrel nowand thanthat you could ve ...
MAN:Kick him.—Iae’l€forrg£veyou. Flatterhim-~51: may or may not see throughyou. But igrzore himandhe'llhate you. Idries Shah, Ca ...
306 '|'lllC’\1l\'\\ll H11‘:~'|lr\l)()\\ Therewaxucerium original manwho desire!) tocatch his ownshadow.Hemakes a s'(¢>p ortwo ...
owneda pricelessantique teahowlthatallthecoui-tiers envied.One day a guest, Dainagon Tsunehiro. askedifhecould carry theteabowli ...
308 3 LAW 36 Image: The Tiny Wound. Itissmallbut painful and irritating. You try allsorts of medicaments, you Corn- plain,you sc ...
LAW 37 CREATE COMPELLING SPECTACLES JUDGMENT Strikingimagery and grandsymbolic gestums createthe aura ofpower-—-—everycmerespond ...
.\\'l‘U\\\\.|)fl.!Il)l’\l'k\ Shereliedaboveall upon her physicalpms» enreand the spell and eurhmurnernwhich[I wait!cream....She ...
Interpretation DrWeislecler may haveknown nothing about medicine, butheunder- stoodhumannature.He recognized that people donot a ...
betweentwo thingsby following thehidden demurs of theircausal cormexions,thought makes a leap and discoverstheirrelation nothnhe ...
MostastuteofallwasDiane’s appropriation ofthe goddess Diana. Hereshetookthe gamebeyond physical imagery intotherealmofthe psy- c ...
314 LAW 37 Diana) oraverbal description of something visual (the words “theSun King”). The symbolicobject standsfor something el ...
Visual images often appear ina sequence, andtheorderinwhich they appear creates a symbol. The firstto appear, for instance, symb ...
grandspectacle thatawes people anddistractsthemfrom unpleasant reali- ties.Thisis easy todo: People lovewhatis grand,spectacular ...
38 TT{INH§¢AS’Y()[IIJI{E BIJ17I3EI{AOJE LIFCE OTHERS JUDGMENT Ifyou makeashow ofgoingagainst the times, flaunting your unconvent ...
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