A month passed by. On their weekly date night that they’d begun having since meeting, Mark says to Nancy, “I prayed about you an ...
serious, they spent more time together. The month after Mark’s confession things remained consistent within their progressing re ...
wife. She figured that maybe in time things would work out. She remained in the relationship. Be careful about listening to a ma ...
a spiritual or biblical approach to things, the Bible says, “Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can ident ...
not saying this in a judgmental way either. I say it as an observation and what I have witnessed for myself from a place of humi ...
Again, if someone truly has a relationship with God, it should reflect in the way they’re walking in life. It doesn’t mean they’ ...
about her, and God said it was their wife, and they ended up marrying the woman. When a man says that God told him that you’re h ...
be real feelings on your end that indicate to you, okay, this could be real. In addition to all that, you also need to go one st ...
As far as listening to and hearing from God goes, I will give you one tip. When you ask God a question in prayer, ask with the e ...
God is telling you about the man or the relationship. As a result, you’re ultimately going to come to your own conclusion or mak ...
yourself. Instead, really open yourself up, surrender your will, and listen. Trust me. This is going to help you. This is going ...
It’s not clear who comes first. Sometimes the imposter comes right before the original. Sometimes the original comes, and the im ...
A question I get from women all the time, and one of the main reasons I wrote a book like this in the first place is, “Why do me ...
First, he can’t get what he wants by telling you the truth. Let me give you an example. You might hear some women say, “If a man ...
for their lies. What I’m trying to do is make it plain and explain to you the reasoning behind the lies in case you’ve ever foun ...
lied, and it simply boils down to the fact that he couldn’t get what he wanted by telling you the truth. It’s simple. Stop overt ...
questions is better for him and the relationship. It could also be because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. He will lie in ...
with your mother, siblings, friends, or in a previous relationship, there’ve been moments where you were asked for your honesty, ...
truth when you ask for it. On the other hand, if you’ve shown that you know how to handle the truth and he still prefers to tell ...
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