Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
fective for pumping blood (see Box 12–4: Arrhyth- mias). HEART RATE A healthy adult has a resting heart rate (pulse) of 60 to 80 ...
This exercise cardiac output is twice the resting cardiac output we first calculated, which should not be considered unusual. Th ...
receptors are the vagus (10th cranial) nerves. If we now put all of these facts together in a specific exam- ple, you will see t ...
The heart pumps blood, which creates blood pressure, and circulates oxygen, nutrients, and other substances. The heart is locate ...
Right Ventricle—has relatively thin walls Pumps blood to the lungs through the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary semilunar valve ...
pulses because of their smaller size and higher metabolic rate. A person in excellent physical condition has a slow resting pul ...
Calculate cardiac output if stroke volume is 75 mL and pulse is 75 bpm. Using the cardiac output you just calculated as a resti ...
290 CHAPTER 13 C Chapter Outline Arteries Veins Anastomoses Capillaries Exchanges in Capillaries Pathways of Circulation Pulmona ...
CHAPTER 13 The Vascular System 291 New Terminology Anastomosis (a-NAS-ti-MOH-sis) Arteriole (ar-TIR-ee-ohl) Circle of Willis (SI ...
The role of blood vessels in the circulation of blood has been known since 1628, when William Harvey, an English anatomist, demo ...
and nutrients and to remove waste products. There are arterial anastomoses, for example, between some of the coronary arteries t ...
Blood flow into capillary networks is regulated by smooth muscle cells called precapillary sphincters, found at the beginning of ...
liver and pituitary gland, which produce and secrete proteins into the blood. EXCHANGES IN CAPILLARIES Capillaries are the sites ...
The amount of tissue fluid formed is slightly greater than the amount returned to the capillaries. If this were to continue, blo ...
The Vascular System 297 Occipital Internal carotid Vertebral Brachiocephalic Aortic arch Maxillary Facial External carotid Commo ...
298 The Vascular System Superior sagittal sinus Inferior sagittal sinus Straight sinus Transverse sinus Vertebral External jugul ...
even during sleep, and must have a constant flow of blood to supply oxygen and remove waste products. For this reason there are ...
300 The Vascular System Table 13–1 MAJOR SYSTEMIC ARTERIES Branches of the Ascending Aorta and Aortic Arch Artery Branch of Regi ...
ing arteries. The most important veins are dia- grammed in Fig. 13–4 and listed in Table 13–2. HEPATIC PORTAL CIRCULATION Hepati ...
302 The Vascular System Table 13–2 MAJOR SYSTEMIC VEINS Vein Vein Joined Region Drained Head and Neck Cranial venous sinuses Int ...
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