Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
EYELIDS AND THE LACRIMAL APPARATUS The eyelids contain skeletal muscle that enables the eyelids to close and cover the front of ...
Layers of the Eyeball In its wall, the eyeball has three layers: the outer sclera, middle choroid layer, and inner retina (Fig. ...
(AMD), that is, loss of central vision, and some cases seem to have a genetic component. In the dry form of AMD, small fatty dep ...
the retina we use most: for reading, for driving, for recognizing people, and for any kind of close work. People of all ages sho ...
Cavities of the Eyeball There are two cavities within the eye: the posterior cavity and the anterior cavity. The larger, posteri ...
208 BOX9–3 ERRORS OF REFRACTION Normal visual acuity is referred to as 20/20; that is, the eye should and does clearly see an ob ...
impulses generated is very intense, and the brain may interpret any intense sensation as pain. A few minutes later the bright li ...
The importance of pupil constriction can be demon- strated by looking at this page through a pinhole in a piece of paper. You wi ...
211 Auricle Malleus Incus Stapes Vestibular branch Temporal bone Semicircular canals External auditory meatus Cochlear branch Co ...
is the cochlear duct, the floor of which is the basilar membrane that supports the receptors for hearing in the organ of Corti(s ...
The Senses 213 Cochlear duct filled with endolymph Vestibular membrane Vestibular canal (from the oval window) Supporting cells ...
round window, just below the oval window, is impor- tant to relieve pressure. When the stapes pushes in the fluid at the oval wi ...
Semicircular Canals The three semicircular canalsare fluid-filled mem- branous ovals oriented in three different planes. At the ...
ARTERIAL RECEPTORS The aorta and carotid arteries contain receptors that detect changes in the blood. The aortic arch, which rec ...
Purpose of Sensations—to detect changes in the external or internal environment to enable the body to respond appropriately to m ...
Ciliary body (muscle) and suspensory ligaments— change shape of lens, which is made of a transpar- ent, elastic protein and whi ...
Arterial Receptors—in large arteries; detect changes in blood Aortic arch—curves over top of heart. Aortic sinus contains press ...
for lunch he decided that he didn’t mind it at all. Explain what happened, and why his mother did mind. When we are out in very ...
CHAPTER 10 The Endocrine System 221 ...
222 CHAPTER 10 Chapter Outline Chemistry of Hormones Regulation of Hormone Secretion The Pituitary Gland Posterior Pituitary Gla ...
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