A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century
demand? Given its fears of Egyptian rearmament, Israel might well make a pre-emptive attack on Egypt, and in that event the Brit ...
to Paris to consult further with Mollet and Pineau. The ‘contingency’ of an Israeli attack towards the Canal was discussed, as w ...
western shore of the Gulf of Aqaba. Fourth, Israel undertook not to attack Jordan unless Jordan attacked it; in that event the B ...
Hungary. Eisenhower made it clear that the US would not back France and Britain. At home Hugh Gaitskell, the leader of the Labou ...
of Mexico or to help stem the flight from the pound. Without dollar support Britain could not afford to pay for the oil from the ...
One common bond between the Arab nations was hostility to Israel. Beyond this the rivalries between the Arab rulers, the old and ...
Istanbul Batum Tbilisi Baghdad Ankara Baku TURKEY IRAN USSR BAHRAIN KUWAIT 1961 CYPRUS 1960 EGYPT 1953 Republic 1958 UAR SUDAN 1 ...
and was stationed in the Sinai Desert on the Egyptian side of the Egyptian–Israeli border. In reality, Nasser’s position after S ...
then flourished and prospered. There was enough room for Arabs and Jews in Palestine. There were many who believed they could li ...
stinians denied self-determination in the occupied lands of the West Bank and Gaza (after the 1967 war), but they remain Israeli ...
conflict, for the Arab nations refused to make peace or to recognise Israel’s right to exist. Israel’s response to Arab enmity i ...
Palestinians and under Egyptian sovereignty. Jordan joined in the war despite Israeli pleas to stay out. Israeli troops then fou ...
scheming dictator, the reincarnation of Hitler, as he was seen at the time by some in Britain and France. In contrast to leaders ...
this wider goal. In the West, the Egyptians and other Arabs had been regarded as a lesser species of humanity, servile and incom ...
intelligence at the same time detected evidence of Soviet military preparations. Kissinger responded with a tough rejection, and ...
Pact (renamed the Central Treaty Organisation after Iraq’s revolution in 1958 and its subsequent departure), characterising the ...
the spiritual and political leader who was most effectively challenging the Shah’s fitness to rule. In Iran, the Shah kept a tig ...
In the West few in authority could imagine how the Shah, at the head of armed forces which owed him everything, could fail to cr ...
The first few months of the revolution were grim. Khomeini, the undisputed leader, chose a layman, Mehdi Bazargan, to head the p ...
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