Coaching, Mentoring and Managing: A Coach Guidebook
86 Avoid praising one individual or group in hopes of boosting performance in another. This kind of manipulation is easily spot ...
The Coaching Role: Inspiring and Motivating 3 Allow the contest to continue. Don’t tell team members at all. If anyone finds ou ...
figurative truth. When your team trusts you with any news ... personal or professional ... and expects you to hear with objectiv ...
The Coaching Role: Inspiring and Motivating 3 Consistency If you are a leader who tends to be impulsive, or if you have high hi ...
Sit down and think through your decisions. If necessary, involve another manager you admire in order to make sure that you are t ...
The Coaching Role: Inspiring and Motivating 3 One of the biggest challenges faced by managers is to get employees to do what the ...
Hope someone else will look dumb and ask the questions for you. A StaffCoach™ can’t afford to put his associates in that positi ...
The Coaching Role: Inspiring and Motivating 3 Other clarity killers include: — Don’t be ridiculous, you know. — I know exactly w ...
he say it’s due?” you’re asking for trouble. If there is distracting noise in your environment, move. Improve clarity by using ...
The Coaching Role: Inspiring and Motivating 3 The point is, every direction passed on to your associates can be clarified by com ...
96 a. The team member can reread and make notes in writing on the facts you provide. b. Misunderstandings or inaccuracies are av ...
The Coaching Role: Inspiring and Motivating 3 Here is a memo that makes obvious use of the “3-1-3” formula. To: Will From: Matt ...
As mentioned, the order of your W’s will vary with your situation, but the simplicity of this formula and its “catchall” power w ...
The Coaching Role: Inspiring and Motivating 3 When you are working with your average employees, clarity is vital. You want them ...
and the department perks are all about. Coach: Exactly! Ben: I just don’t see how to add more into four minutes. Coach: No probl ...
The Coaching Role: Inspiring and Motivating 3 Whether written or oral, reports should update the coach on what is going right, w ...
postures can send signals that verify or contradict their oral messages. Really effective coaches unconsciously follow the nonve ...
The Coaching Role: Inspiring and Motivating 3 Leslie (brightening, straightening in chair): So this isn’t about me not doing som ...
Coach’s Role in Affirming Associates Affirming is a key coaching behavior. It impacts trust and trusting makes the affirmations ...
The Coaching Role: Inspiring and Motivating 3 Thoughts cause feelings and feelings cause behavior. There are only two options he ...
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