Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done
ORGANIZE YOUR TIME ten o’clock meeting because you had to respond to an urgent e-mail. The meeting itself runs too long. A crisi ...
TIME MANAGEMENT Scheduling is all about being prepared. Most problems or crises you face on a daily basis are rarely that much o ...
ORGANIZE YOUR TIME that can be anticipated should never push the agenda off track. A good scheduler always has a Plan B. Creatin ...
TIME MANAGEMENT out how much time is needed to do various tasks, start keeping track of how long it takes you to complete each t ...
ORGANIZE YOUR TIME Be sure to factor extra time in the day to com- plete daily activities, such as responding to e-mails and ret ...
TIME MANAGEMENT your schedule will wipe out what you thought was extra time in the margins of your day. Troubleshooting Your Sch ...
ORGANIZE YOUR TIME blaze through your to-do list, you may not be accounting for distraction time. Almost any task is interrupted ...
TIME MANAGEMENT you are not building in time to “think.” Periods of concentration devoted exclusively to wrapping your mind arou ...
ORGANIZE YOUR TIME think it through might cause problems later down the line. Whenever you schedule “thinking” time, be aware th ...
TIME MANAGEMENT prepared to tackle the next day’s tasks and allow you to reschedule any task that wasn’t completed by the end of ...
ORGANIZE YOUR TIME Completing your project on time is important, if only because ineffi ciency on your part can be contagious. E ...
TIME MANAGEMENT project within a given time, identify all the fac- tors that could derail the project’s timeline: Do you have th ...
ORGANIZE YOUR TIME the project’s due date to the present. Plot the sequence of tasks that need to be completed to get you to the ...
TIME MANAGEMENT will take longer and cost more. Then, sketch out a reasonable sequence for things to happen. As you schedule the ...
ORGANIZE YOUR TIME time it will take you to get these tasks done, but also on what you will do or what needs to hap- pen during ...
USING YOUR TIME EFFICIENTLY “Saying ‘No’ to someone else is like saying ‘Yes’ to yourself.” —Helene Lerner, author ofTime for ...
E verybody faces unexpected roadblocks that interfere with how they use their time. The difference between people who achieve ...
TIME MANAGEMENT Managing Distractions Time traps such as too many e-mails, phone interruptions, poorly run meetings, and chatty ...
USING YOUR TIME EFFICIENTLY BlackBerries and other wireless devices compete for our attention. Technology has made commu- nicati ...
TIME MANAGEMENT identify junk e-mails or messages from e-mail lists you subscribe to that can be immediately deleted. Once you’v ...
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