Time Management : Set Priorities to Get the Right Things Done
USING YOUR TIME EFFICIENTLY require immediate action accumulate. After you’ve responded to an e-mail, delete it or fi le it in a ...
TIME MANAGEMENT determined needs your attention, handle it as soon as possible. Don’t toss it in a pile of “stuff ” that needs t ...
USING YOUR TIME EFFICIENTLY or more every morning to writing and returning e-mails. That clears the rest of the day to work on t ...
TIME MANAGEMENT beyond your control; they can interrupt you in the middle of a task and derail your schedule. But whether you ar ...
USING YOUR TIME EFFICIENTLY your voice mailbox, you will be able to screen unimportant calls faster and more easily than you cou ...
TIME MANAGEMENT to leave. If you want the caller to reach you on your cell phone or at another number, say so. If there is a sta ...
USING YOUR TIME EFFICIENTLY only load up the next day with unexpected and unscheduled tasks. Keep a record on your calendar of w ...
TIME MANAGEMENT have important work in front of you and don’t need to apologize for excusing yourself to get back to it. Don’t g ...
USING YOUR TIME EFFICIENTLY anything else I can help you with?” If he doesn’t jump to the point right then and there, he didn’t ...
TIME MANAGEMENT Making effi cient calls.Offer the same courtesy to people you call that you’d like them to extend to you. Begin ...
USING YOUR TIME EFFICIENTLY Avoid Inefficient Meetings Meetings—face-to-face events and teleconfer- ences alike—can be great con ...
TIME MANAGEMENT Let those invited know how much you expect them to contribute. You might tell Jill from human resources, “As our ...
USING YOUR TIME EFFICIENTLY WELL-RUN MEETINGS If they are not run efficiently, meetings can easily consume inordinate amounts of ...
TIME MANAGEMENT be a nice idea, but not necessary to get your task accomplished. Indeed, it may be a time sinker for both of you ...
USING YOUR TIME EFFICIENTLY conversation toward a resolution. Always end the meeting on time. If the meeting is running over its ...
TIME MANAGEMENT Maintaining a Healthy Rhythm Even if things are going smoothly and you are practicing effective time-management ...
USING YOUR TIME EFFICIENTLY precious time by slacking off. Instead, keep going at your typical pace. In fact, the time to step o ...
TIME MANAGEMENT you need—such as more resources—because you’re in a position of weakness. It’s like trying to accelerate in a ca ...
USING YOUR TIME EFFICIENTLY you might be under-producing and wasting valuable time. That’s because, by overloading your time, yo ...
TIME MANAGEMENT IN THE WORKPLACE “I am miserly with my time in some areas so that I can be profl igate with my time in other a ...
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