Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325
6 Cities ofGod much attention to the economic and political development of Italian bishop- rics.^23 We have much on church ter ...
Introduction 7 themselves.^28 Much has been done on ritual in late medieval Italy, but not in high medieval Italy.^29 I hope t ...
8 Cities ofGod Saint Giovanni Buono of Mantua or Saint Galgano of Siena, never ceased to be part of the city landscape. Their ...
Introduction 9 more eloquently than words to the laity. Nevertheless, words did matter. The unlettered ‘‘got’’ and ‘‘took away ...
10 Cities ofGod the liturgical context. Taken with the earlier chapters on sacramental life, this completes my overview of ort ...
Introduction 11 spirituality that produced the communal saints began to look suspect and some of its most revered practitioner ...
LLLa Citade Sancta part one Sacred Geography ...
Chapter One The Mother Church In a sermon on the Annunciation, the Dominican preacher Bartolomeo of Braganze, later bishop of ...
16 LaCitadeSancta TheCulticCenter The city: the church. The church: the bishopric. When the north and central Italian cities s ...
TheMotherChurch 17 In 1123 , at Piacenza, Bishop Arduino, seemingly for the first time, made his cathedral the solepieve(bapti ...
18 LaCitadeSancta of the Church year. Ritually, their recommencement of baptisms put them in competition with the cathedral. I ...
TheMotherChurch 19 azza of the commune were the same. The piazza of the duomo was a privi- leged area, different from all othe ...
20 LaCitadeSancta The town strictly forbade unseemly activities there, especially rock fights between groups of youths, becaus ...
TheMotherChurch 21 As a symbol of the city, the duomo came first in municipal charity. In 1262 , Siena limited city poor alms ...
22 LaCitadeSancta reasoned. Well, maybe not. In the end, their citizenship probably counted more to people than peculiar theol ...
TheMotherChurch 23 erated there and officially proclaimed their treaties with other communes.^53 Consecration of an altar in t ...
24 LaCitadeSancta going on, never on Sunday, and, at least in Reggio Emilia, not on Satur- day.^58 Faenza’s expectation of suc ...
TheMotherChurch 25 screen door, made that sacrifice present each day in the church’s primary act of worship.^67 Sant’Eustorgio ...
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