Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325
26 LaCitadeSancta is certainly a high altar, rising to chest height on a medieval man. Like ancient Christian altars, this alt ...
TheMotherChurch 27 tery.^73 In hisCommedia, when Dante meets his ancestor Cacciaguida in heaven and speaks to him of their nat ...
28 LaCitadeSancta first acts was to commission the construction of a new baptistery. They placed it in the piazza between the ...
TheMotherChurch 29 baptistery with the city saved the massive freestanding communal structures from being pulled down after th ...
30 LaCitadeSancta cathedral.^91 But then Faenza was a small commune, and its Mother Church never enjoyed a monopoly on baptism ...
TheMotherChurch 31 benefits of the westward location and even improved on them. A position to the south of the duomo was prefe ...
32 LaCitadeSancta square. This font resided until about 1400 in a small chapel inside the west doors of the duomo, on the left ...
TheMotherChurch 33 with his wife, the event raised the question whether it would now be spiritual incest for the father to coh ...
34 LaCitadeSancta contado. Before the concentration of ritual activity at the Mother Church in the 1100 s, there had already g ...
TheMotherChurch 35 being of a place or people (plebs) meant worshiping together in a particular church.^112 Modern parishes, i ...
36 LaCitadeSancta return to their work. He was especially concerned to have the priests recon- cile the excommunicated and pen ...
TheMotherChurch 37 chapel clergy. The consortia each met in a major church or monastery of the quarter: San Prospero, San Dona ...
38 LaCitadeSancta face-to-face community. Bologna’s approximately 150 urban and suburban chapels of 1300 – 1315 divided an est ...
TheMotherChurch 39 few feet wider than its single western door. Five small bays deep, the east end terminated in a tiny rectan ...
40 LaCitadeSancta ings.^143 Private individuals commissioned ex-voto frescoes of diverse sizes, shapes, and subjects to adorn ...
TheMotherChurch 41 along without a cleric. Perhaps he was looking for help. On the other hand, the small San Clemente had a pr ...
42 LaCitadeSancta Maria Maggiore was the staffing at the collegiate church of San Zeno at Pistoia, with six priests, three dea ...
TheMotherChurch 43 when Pope Gregory VII praised it in one of his letters.^166 The sanctuary modeled on the Jerusalem holy pla ...
44 LaCitadeSancta structure of twelve columns. The medieval church of the Ascension in Bolo- gna was, however, a cruciform str ...
TheMotherChurch 45 There, Bishop Arduino ( 1121 – 47 ) continued to use the imperial title of count until 1136 and even exerci ...
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