Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325
106 LaCitadeSancta vated alliances with important ecclesiastics by granting them citizenship, as Bologna did to Bishop Tommaso ...
TheHolyCity 107 cities to enact laws against heresy, which both removed a cause of commu- nity division and protected orthodox ...
108 LaCitadeSancta led the commune to cultivate an ever more sacred ethos for itself. As bishops became less visible in govern ...
TheHolyCity 109 that was your own contado. According to Bishop Sicardo, Milanese devotion to the ancient martyrs Gervase and P ...
110 LaCitadeSancta peror Frederick II. The holy war against Ezzelino and Frederick revealed new celestial friends of the commu ...
TheHolyCity 111 treaty draft invoked the patrons of both cities, Saint Mary the Virgin and Saint John the Baptist. But those s ...
112 LaCitadeSancta the Blessed Virgin. Mary had shown her special favor.^61 But in the 1260 s, invocation of Saint John the Ba ...
TheHolyCity 113 de’ Bonacolsi, under the title ‘‘captain of the people,’’ had a vermilion ban- ner created with an image of Sa ...
114 LaCitadeSancta A patron saint protected and personified his city, though personification of the city did not need to be th ...
TheHolyCity 115 lishing its first communal baptistery. News of the discovery evoked popular demands that the bones of their ba ...
116 LaCitadeSancta his pastoral staff and blesses the communal militia. Cavalry stand at his left, and foot soldiers on his ri ...
TheHolyCity 117 the ancient bishop in the San Sepolcro, or ‘‘Golgotha’’ chapel, workmen found other relics, mostly connected w ...
118 LaCitadeSancta imperial charters—ascribed to the emperor Theodosius—defining the city boundaries and granting privileges t ...
TheHolyCity 119 of his love and concern for ‘‘la mia citade di Bologna.’’ The life turns Pe- tronio into the primary author of ...
120 LaCitadeSancta celebrated their patrons with acts of devotion and homage. At San Gimig- nano, the podesta had the responsi ...
TheHolyCity 121 years did these carvings of the civic laws into the cathedral fabric become obsolete. Market construction fina ...
122 LaCitadeSancta was fitting for celestial defenders of the republic, one held a cross and the other the communal banner. Th ...
TheHolyCity 123 1217 to 1277.^142 It must have gotten crowded on the palazzo walls. The city could become an icon itself. In 1 ...
124 LaCitadeSancta San Lorenzo for the Franciscans, and San Michele, named for the saint on whose feast the tyrant was defeate ...
TheHolyCity 125 Like the duomo, municipal chapels provided tempting space for profane meetings, detentions, storage, and secul ...
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