Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325
fig. 30 Giotto, Saint Francis at Greccio. Assisi,upper basilica. (photo: Art Resource, New York) fig. 29 San Miniato al Monte, F ...
fig. 32 Santo Stefano complex, Bologna, Holy Sepulcher, fourteenth century. fig. 31 Santo Stefano complex, Bologna, eleventh–thi ...
fig. 33 Santo Stefano complex, Bologna, Pilate’s Washbowl, eighth century, in the Cortile di Pilato. Image not available ...
Chapter Two From Conversion to Community The laity of the communes created a spiritual geography of their own along- side the ...
70 LaCitadeSancta distinction between conversi and penitents had become blurred, and the words were used interchangeably, as I ...
FromConversion toCommunity 71 asceticism was an individual act, and organization was very informal. In 1204 , chroniclers tell ...
72 LaCitadeSancta living, and even conduct business affairs. Conversi needed sufficient re- sources to live on their own; they ...
FromConversion toCommunity 73 run charities had become widespread. In some cities, like Bologna, the peni- tenti life always r ...
74 LaCitadeSancta of lay penitents. The group’s organization was also strikingly similar to that of the neighborhood corporati ...
FromConversion toCommunity 75 ownership of property, the San Desiderio group’s way of life closely resem- bled that found in t ...
76 LaCitadeSancta canonical penance and traditional religious orders.^42 The multiplication of such groups did not go unnotice ...
FromConversion toCommunity 77 the Pater as grace before and after meals.^49 During Lent, and from the feast of Saint Martin ( ...
78 LaCitadeSancta in their Own Houses.’’Memorialehere means ‘‘record of an intended way of life.’’ The pope’s recognition gave ...
FromConversion toCommunity 79 penitents adapted the rule to their needs through special legislation and affil- iated with othe ...
80 LaCitadeSancta approved association, merely a certified profession of vows.^66 Some married conversi continued to live toge ...
FromConversion toCommunity 81 versus,’’ only if the individual was the servant of a city church (part of its familia), wore a ...
82 LaCitadeSancta Siena and Bologna accepted testimony by penitents in legal cases without demanding the calumny oath—a privil ...
FromConversion toCommunity 83 one should care about God, not worldly things.^88 His habit was gray-brown probably from dirt. N ...
84 LaCitadeSancta also ordered penitents (and clerics) to wear distinctive garb.^97 On 24 July 1286 Bishop Giacomo Cavalcante ...
FromConversion toCommunity 85 followed, in their own lay style, the ‘‘counsels’’ of Christ, something pre- viously understood ...
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