Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325
126 LaCitadeSancta Siena, after the Blessed Virgin had crushed the Florentines at Montaperti, the city enshrined its carroccio ...
TheHolyCity 127 carroccio, taken in triumph to the victors’ cathedral, became a votive offer- ing to God for the enemy’s defea ...
128 LaCitadeSancta bition of trial by battle in 1215 , the communes continued to practice it, inviting divine intervention int ...
TheHolyCity 129 The usual vehicles for the popular revolution were small neighborhood or craft associations. After claiming po ...
130 LaCitadeSancta provided the grassroots political organization. They formed the units of the militia. The ‘‘Societies of Ar ...
TheHolyCity 131 inducted new members in the chapel of San Cristoforo before the group’s own altar, that of Saint Eustace. That ...
132 LaCitadeSancta university for their spiritual needs.^207 All other societies of the Bolognese Popolo were created for mili ...
TheHolyCity 133 Mass in a church of the district from which it drew its members.^214 The Quartieri, who met at Sant’Ambrogio, ...
134 LaCitadeSancta to attend the Mass ( 12 d. bon. was typical) and even expelled regular absen- tees.^224 Society policing of ...
TheHolyCity 135 not create a group’s corporate identity; the statutes of only two societies mandated annual dinners.^233 When ...
136 LaCitadeSancta Popolo, the feel of a religious confraternity is again marked.^240 Could the explanation lie in the Armi’s ...
TheHolyCity 137 communal palazzi, however, they steeped the city’s ‘‘secular’’ legislation in heavily religious language and i ...
138 LaCitadeSancta religious life and protect parental rights. Parents’ permission was required for girls under twelve and boy ...
TheHolyCity 139 infractions, and cross-dressing.^262 In contrast, the only moral issue regularly addressed in pre- 1250 statut ...
140 LaCitadeSancta any provisions for enforcement.^270 Pope Innocent IV reprimanded the Bo- lognese for ignoring the local inq ...
Chapter Four Ordering Families, Neighborhoods, and Cities As political entities, the communes lacked the ancient roots and dig ...
142 LaCitadeSancta Its rituals laid the foundation of the civic order. Over the family was the father, its head and patriarch. ...
OrderingFamilies,Neighborhoods,andCities 143 wanted to marry her off. She threw herself into the river Guisciana, ‘‘out of lau ...
144 LaCitadeSancta tice. Dowry in the Roman manner replaced it. Dowry was given for the sake of a marriage, and fathers expect ...
OrderingFamilies,Neighborhoods,andCities 145 sometimes making it explicit that the ‘‘gender-neutral’’ language of their laws a ...
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