Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry
surface are more difficult to cleanthan other areas (Jensen, 2003).Such considerationswouldaid designers of closedequipment to i ...
entiresurface. MostEFDtechniquesrely on probes inserted eitherdirectly onto the surface, intothe flow domain or having a transpa ...
boundary conditionsfor the controlvolume, are described by the Navier± Stokes equations(herein incompressible form). @ui @t á ...
The mesh(number, size and distribution of controlvolumes) is probably the singlemost importantpartof CFD simulationsas this make ...
11.4 Applicationsof computationalfluiddynamicsin improvedhygienicdesign Taking advantage of the possibilities that lie withinCFD ...
Jensen(2003)shows this for different types of componentcommonlyfoundin the foodindustry. Someof the detailsin eachstep are prese ...
An example is given below showing the quality of the predictions of cleanabilityin an upstand geometry testedby the EHEDG test m ...
results,wall shearstress levelsand relative fluidexchange timesfor the spherical valvehouseof a mix-proofvalve(shownlaterin Fig. ...
the pipediameter of the processingline or fromthe pipediameter of the processingline to a unitoperationmachine that comesfromthe ...
cataloguedata froma leadingequipmentmanufacturer. Flowat the inletis fully developedturbulent flowat an average velocity of 1.5 ...
explanation. At firstglance,recirculationzoneswillbe presentin the valve housebecause of shadowareas. However, performing3D CFDs ...
cleaning trails, the conclusionis that the areasthat provemost difficult to clean in a standard cleaning test are in fact the ar ...
lead to equipmentwitha betterhygienic designthanis seentoday. Comparing datafromcleaningtestswithinformation on flowpatterns obt ...
11.7 References ANON.(1992),A methodfor assessingthe in-placecleanabilityof food-processing equipment',TrendsFoodSci Tech, 3 , 3 ...
JENSEN B B BandFRIIS A(2004c),A numericalmethodfor virtualcleaningtesting', InternationalCongresson Engineeringand Food(ICEF9), ...
Wiley& SonsLimited,79±108. TUCKERGandHALL J(1998),`Computationalfluiddynamicsas an aid to efficient hygienicdesignof foodpro ...
12.1 Introduction Heat transfer is perhaps the most widely used unit operation applied within the food industry and many key pro ...
12.2 Heat exchanger design On a purelyheattransferbasis,the designof any heatexchangeris a balance between achieving the desired ...
In practicethe design processis morecomplexthanpurelyheat transfer and thereare a numberof product and process factors that can ...
12.3 Developments in heatexchangerdesign Although heat transferis a verymaturetechnology therehavebeena number of significantdev ...
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