Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry
differentroughness parametersat two cut-offwavelengths (2.5 and 0.8 mm) and looked for correlationsbetween those parametersor co ...
Connection between floorsand walls In the past,it was mandatory in Franceto havea rounded angle between floors and walls.For thi ...
waterdroplets thanscrubberbrushes) are necessary. Of course,brushes mustbe clean beforeuse and be soft enoughnot to damagethe fl ...
recognised that to prevent slipping accidents it is necessary to use two complementarymethodsfor assessmentof the slip-resistanc ...
platesand subjected to a mildcleaning. The latterconsists of a submersionin a 0.01Msolution of NaOHfollowedby a mechanical actio ...
the Caissenationale d'assurancemaladiedes travailleurs salarie¬s (Liotet al., 1998)or in the British `Guidelinesfor the design a ...
∑ Health and SafetyExecutive(UK):a paperfromRichardMorgangivingthe prioritiesin the foodand drink industry maybe downloadedfromh ...
roughnessin the measurementof slipperiness',Ergonomics, 44 , 1200±1216. CHASSEIGNAUXE, TOQUINMT,RAGIMBEAUC, SALVATG, COLINPandER ...
physico-chemicalpropertiesof floormaterialsaftercleaningin foodindustry premises',Journalof FoodProtection, 61 , 57±65. METTLERE ...
10.1 Introduction Walls can be considered as the second most abused surface (after floors) in a food processing plant. The Food ...
protectionfromweather, rodent, insectand wateringress. Exterior wallsare constructedof numerousmaterials suchas precast concrete ...
flange24 inches (61 cm) below gradeextending 12 inches(30 cm) out at right anglesto the foundation.Thisflangewill preventrats fr ...
Anothercommonoutsidewallmaterial that is usedbut not recommended for food plants is corrugated metal siding installed over an in ...
gel coatsare on the market.One high-endmaterial is Arcoplast, which consists of sandwich composite panels thatare manufacturedwi ...
10.4 Bibliography AFIS(1952),Sanitationfor the Food-preservationIndustries, NewYork:McGraw-Hill. GRAHAM,DONALDJ.(1991a)SanitaryD ...
11.1 Introduction: the hygienic performance of closed equipment Hygienic performance of closed processing equipment for food pro ...
understanding of the interactionbetween flowcharacteristicsand soil attachedto surfaces can aid validation of hygienic design. S ...
function of temperature, strength of chemicals and contact time between detergent and soil.The contact timeis the timea specifie ...
and masstransfer. Transport of detergent throughoutthe entireprocessingline is necessary.In closedequipment,the obviousand cheap ...
of 1.5 m/s,almostindependent of the diameter, for pipes withinnerdiameters above0.02 m. The thinnerthe viscoussublayer, the bett ...
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