Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry
be available in someareasof the countryand will work.Lightdensity or cinder blocks should not be usedas theyare porousand insect ...
hardware clothor any other long-lastingmaterial that willwithstand rodent gnawing. Any penetrations belowgrademust be protecteda ...
Resistanceto damageis anotherimportant criterionsincethe use of troughsand other mobile equipment can damage and breakthe surfac ...
windows will also destroyrequiredair pressurerelationshipsnecessary for good air circulation withinthe facility. In older facili ...
areait is recommended that a goodsealerbe applied to the interiorconcrete. This willprevent moisturemigrationintothe doubletee c ...
contamination'.Unfortunately this has proven to be true whenyou lookat the SaraLee hot dogListeriaincident (USEPA, 2003). The us ...
interlockedand caulked.Insulation shouldneverbe placedinsidean air duct. If insulationis required, a sandwich ductconstruction s ...
7.9.8 Lighting Interiorlightinglevel requirementshaveincreased considerably overthe years. Localordinancesoftenrequirea minimum ...
ceiling or wall hungto facilitate quickand thoroughcleaning.Nothingshould be sittingon the floor.Localbylawsand regulationsmustb ...
of the vending machinesevery timetheyare serviced or refilled.The insidesof vending machines can quickly become a haven for inse ...
medium forListeria. Legionnaires'disease bacteriahavealso beenfoundin some waterchillers, in roomevaporators, and in other water ...
Thischapterhas not covered everythingin sanitary design of facilities,since it is merelyan overview. The bibliography will help ...
8.1 Introduction Factories have always had to be compartmentalised or segregated into specific areas for a number of reasons. Th ...
To provideprotection fromgeneral contamination(physical,chemicaland biological hazards)duringmanufacture,foodhas historicallybee ...
(HACCP)study. For low-risk products, the first two barriers onlyare likelyto be required.For high-risk products, the use of the ...
∑ Storage of equipment, utensils, pallets,etc., outsideshould be avoided wherever possible as theypresent opportunities for pest ...
be providedwithone door,usuallythe external dooron an external porch, being solid,and the internal doorbeinga flyscreen door;on ...
∑ the flowof air and drainageshouldbe awayfromclean'areastowards dirty'ones; ∑ the flowof discardedouterpackagingmaterialsshould ...
processingto primarypackaging, on the samesite. If this is not possible, segregationhas to be undertakenby time, e.g. by manufac ...
pieces of equipment; see Reducing noise exposure in the food anddrink industries, FoodInformation SheetNo. 32, http://www.hseboo ...
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